
50,000 species had been eliminated in just 25 years?

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50,000 species had been eliminated in just 25 years in the Wester Ecuador forest along with similar statistics in Brasil and madagascar




  1. Any further information? "Species Extinction" can also relate to plant life - need to find out if it is relating to that too. Many an animal and plant can be wiped out without us even knowing it existed in the first place. In some cases, wiping it out is our aim (weeds, vermin and introduced).

  2. I hear these "factoids" all the time. I don't believe any of them. This assumes that somehow, magically , there is someone behind every bush and tree EVERYWHERE, constantly monitoring every bug, worm,bird-etc.BS!

  3. I'm afraid you're incorrect. Name a single species that is extinct that was there 25 years ago and you'll have a little credibility. The fact is that when they go out in the field and try to count the number of species that have become extinct, they almost always find species they thought were already extinct. Animals and plants, like all life on Earth, are very adaptable. And really, does it matter if one species of ant goes away when we'll still have at least 12,000 other species of ant? Do you want to prevent bacterial life from extinction, too, or are you a speciesist who only wants to protect plants and animals. If not you better try to protect smallpox, diptheria and typhus as well.

    Tell me who went out 25 years ago and had time to catalog and number all the species in the forests of western Ecuador. This is nothing more than disinformation to try to scare you into feeling and acting a certain way and you should be able to see how silly the whole idea is.

    Have species become extinct? Millions of them. Will there be a massive die-off like byderule says? It's about as likely as another massive asteroid impacting the Earth, millions to one, the chance of us causing it is a billion to one. The Earth and it's life are very hardy, they've endured much worse conditions than they now face and it's arrogant to think we have that much power over the world around us.

  4. very possible ,

    there are 3000 species of frog alone they say

    countless species of insects ,and even more at microscopic levels

    people tend only to think of the big ones they can see or know about

    And disappearing microbes or insects can  have even more of an effect on equilibriums of  Eco systems than the bigger animals

    whole Ecosystems are going and gone talking all their species with them.Many can be Unique to a specific area.

    We are witness to the first mass extinction since the dinosaurs;...

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