
500 pound 7 foot tall opossum...?

by Guest33143  |  earlier

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so they are saying its a 500 pound 7 foot tall half opossum/human?

sounds to me as if a opossum walked on it you pee'd on it while it was dead, then the humans touched it so the dna got human/opoussm dna and not the dna of bigfoot, could that happen?

and also

how can they match the dna to bigfoot if we have no real dna from a bigfoot?




  1. When you put it that way it seems like they are telling fibs

    But why no video?

    wouldn't you show in your video the hands move like humans?

    and wouldn't you show the teeth

    and show look when i pull the hair its real , or pull a tooth

    or show that is a male or female,

    why wouldn't they send hair all around the world?

    why is only 1 photo

    where are the witnesses?

    wouldn't you show people and be excited?

    if you was scared for some reason then save some dna and send it to friends family or anywhere

    Im just saying ask yourself some questions

    If I had the body I would first video tape it very very good

    make copy's make photos

    get witnesses that Its my discovery

    take pictures and make copy's

    lock up all copy's

    save hair blood and bone samples

    send hair samples all over the world

    and then put pictures of me and the bigfoot in local papers and then call in the media in a town meeting

    and present it to the world for auction

  2. easy

    its fake

  3. i think its a load of bull!

    the goverment is keeping everything from us! and there making it sound like ohh well its just this or that.

    just like they were saying the montauk moster was photoshoped (it wasnt i saw it with my own eyes.) or that it was for a movie, or its just a dog with hand like paws, wtf? i mean really..

  4. Yep, I think them 2 Georgia boys had done got shot way, way down on some of that good ole Georgia Moonshine or they came under a California Influence either or is bad, very bad.  Who ever heard of a 7'7" possum? Now if they had of said coon then that would have been believable but a 7'7" possum in Georgia is strechin it a bit when everybody knows that possums in Georgia don't get no taller than about 4".  

  5. they grow em big in texas.

  6. DNA can't be compared to Bigfoot, your right, there's nothing to compare it to. but DNA that can't be matched to anything, like a new species, will help to say it's Bigfoot

    don't get your hopes up

  7. If it is big foot it will be close cousin to human. So DNA will be close match to human, but they will be able to distinguish it from human DNA and other prime ape DNAs. And opossum's flesh might have been used to dress up 'fake' corpse or its hair got on it or something. If it is real big foot may be the bigfoot ate this opossum.

    I'm not sure why they're not displaying the body in full at this time.

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