
$5000 contracting bonus after LTC?

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i just completed LTC in Ft Knox this past summer, and a few of my fellow cadets have been talking about a 5000 bonus for contracting after completing LTC. i was just wondering whats really the deal with that? is it true or false and if you can go into any detail thatd be lovely.





  1. I recently completed the Ft. Knox training as well and I have been contacted by my Cadre at school about the $5000 bonus.  As far as I know the bonus is a new bonus just made effective for those who contract after LTC as of August 8; however, I am still waiting on further information about when and how I will recieve the bonus.

  2. As far as I know, the only thing that you can do after LTC is to contract into the Advance Program in college ROTC.  And the last I heard, you don't get any bonus for that.  Yes, you do get a little money for being in the Advance ROTC, and you are available for some scholarships, but I'm pretty certain you don't get a bonus of any type.  They may have been talking about enlisting in the Army into a certain MOS that gives a bonus.

    If you're really interested, you may look into the Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP) if you're in need of some extra money.  It's like an internship with a National Guard or Reserve unit.

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