
50000 are going to starve to death 2008 because of the biofuel policy.How much fuel does a spaceshuttle eat?

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"Louis666KWu" are you getting paid for this?

so there's no hydrogen vehicle operational to transport people for free with that fuel and replace some other non-hydrogen vehicle?

"River Euphrates" you haven't heard about the fear from world wide rebellions and the urgent UN meetings held in order to find a way to lower the prices of basic food like rice and wheat/grain and corn?




  1. its the conservatives that value life.

  2. Shuttles don't use the same kind of fuel.

    Don't try to make us "choose" between space science and humanitarian endeavors like food aid, which is handicapped by ethanol policies.  Space science and humanitarian aid are NOT opposites.  They are the SAME type of activity - positive, and forward-looking.

    Where would modern agriculture be without weather satellites?

    Now if you contrasted the waste from wars of conquest and large corporations being allowed to abuse their employees, with some productive activity...

    Did you know we could have FIVE COMPLETED space stations for the cost of the Iraq war (just so far - it ain't over yet)?

    I'd rather that money went to space AND social welfare than into Haliburton's stockholders' pockets.

  3. The shuttle uses liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen. These come from separating water. They are in no way related to biofuel. Educate yourself. And, the boosters are actually burning a witch's brew of a rubberlike compound and aluminum. Also not biofuel related. Also, the shuttle program employs scientists and engineers to advance human knowledge. It's value comes from learning new techniques for manufacturing, and from earth surveys that show better ways to use scarce resources to produce more food.

  4. At liftoff, an orbiter and its external tank carry 835,958 gallons of the principle liquid propellants: hydrogen, oxygen, hydrazine, monomethylhydrazine, and nitrogen tetroxide, none of which are biofuels.

  5. Ethanol made from corn is a scam. It doesn't even have as much energy as it requires to produce. Its only purpose is to enrich agribusiness. Ethanol made from switchgrass and other non-food sources be good but they are possibilities for the future.

  6. The shuttle runs on liquid hydrogen and oxygen

  7. We should use the fuel to burn the bums?

  8. ALOT. The space shuttle gets about 1/40mil miles to the gallon. And it has to travel about 1200 miles until it gets to outer space where it can stop the engine

  9. But we may have free health care.............

    Helth care not food! (Potential Obama Slogan)

  10. No one is going to stave to death because of bio fuels, nice try but pure fiction.

  11. Link?

    I thought so.

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