
50th birthday help suggestions

by  |  earlier

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it hubby's 50th birthday this october and i really want to do something special for him, he's not into party's and family live to far away to throw a suprise party, i can't do to much as having a major op in september and i wont be fully recuperated when he birthday comes, has anyone any idea what i could do for him please?




  1. Make sure you make it his 40th b-day all over again...that will make him happy! Take Care

  2. If he isn't into parties and especially surprise parties, please don't throw him a party. Most people are not thrilled to be turning 50 and leaving their 40's. I don't like the "Over the HIll" junk that is supposed to be funny but isn't. If you have the money or can begin saving now, how about going for a surprise weekend. Do something he would like. It can be a driving trip where you can just enjoy a leisurely weekend and a bottle of wine to celebrate this important birthday. Treat it like you might an anniversary.

  3. It has been my experience with men approaching 50 that they feel like they're getting old and maybe are not as attractive to their wives as they used to be.  When my ex-husband turned 40 he felt like he was too old to try new things.

    How about thinking back to when you first met your husband and remembering all the things that first attracted you to him.  Then add on all the new things that you love about him that became evident over the years.  Do something simple but meaningful that will remind him of what a wonderful person he is.  Remind him of all his wonderful qualities.  Try something creative like writing a story or putting together a DVD of moments celebrating who he is and what he means to you.  Something like that will mean more to him than anything else that money can buy.

    Good luck with your surgery in September.  I wish you good health and 50 more years with a loving husband.

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