
50th birthday idea??

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My mom is turning 50 in about a month and a half and my sister and I wanted to throw her a party (preferably one she doesn't know about). Most of our "birthday parties" end up all being the same- invite people over, talk, and eat. Since her 40th birthday was "Over the Hill" themed (and we're asking for no gifts), I was thinking it would be fun to have a game show theme. Has anyone seen the show "Amnesia" on NBC? I was thinking of doing that and having her answer questions about her life since people tend to relate getting older with losing memory... But the problem is that I don't really know how to go about doing it. I don't know what sort of questions to ask and how to make it last about a half hour to 45 minutes.

Does anyone have any ideas about how I could set up this game show idea and what sort of questions would be fun to ask? I want it to encompass her whole life history, but am having trouble figuring out exactly what to ask...

Any help is appreciated! Thanks!!




  1. How about doing it with objects? Like ask relatives for help and take out certain jewelry and clothing and things and ask her when she work them, what occasion, why it meant something to her etc.  

    You can also do it with the pictures like the other poster mentioned, where it was taken, who is in it, where they are, what they are doing there etc.

    Ask your dad and other relatives for answers to the questions so you have them before you ask her.  Just make sure to ask a few members of your family the same question so you know you have the right answers, you may get more than one answer to a question, those are the ones you're better off skipping.  Go with the ones you get definite answers on.

    Talk to family members and friends of your parents and see what they tell you, I'm sure they'll be more than happy to help you and reminince about old times!

    You can ask questions like:

    How did your dad propose?  What was she wearing, what was he wearing?  What music if any was playing in the background?What food did they order?

    The day she went into labor, where was she? What was she doing?  What was the doctor's name that delivered you? What is the hospital's name she gave birth in?

    What was her high school football team's name?

    What was the name of her first pet?  

    What was her first car? What color was it?

    What was the name of the road she lived on as a child?

    What color was her childhood house?

    What is the birth sign and birthstones of her husband and children?

    What was her freshman English teacher's name?

    What color dress did she wear to her senior prom?

    When she was little, what was her favorite thing to carry around?

    Did she have an imaginary friend, if so, what was his/her name?

    What was her best friend's name as a child?

    Did she belong on any team sports growing up? What were their names and colors?

    What kind of car did her first boyfriend drive and what color was it?

    Where was her first sleepover?

    Where was her first class trip to?

    Where was her first family vacation to?

    How many pets has she had over her lifetime?

    What was her first job?

    What was she doing when she met your dad?

    How did she meet your dad?

    What was the first meal she cooked your dad?

    What was the first meal she ever cooked?

    Being it's her 50th Birthday, do 50 Questions with Mom!  And then have her start answering them.  

    I hope these questions help, your theme sounds awesome and it's going to be so much fun to learn all these things about your mom!   I hope you have a great party!

  2. If you can get your hands on old family and friends photos, scan them in to a computer and then project them onto a screen at the party. Have your Mom describe who they are, when it was taken, the events surrounding the photo... That sort of thing. If she gets stumped on some of them... which will probably happen, you can then get the guests to help out.
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