
55 gallon aquarium-uneven filtering?

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I bought a new 55 gallon tank with a Tetra Whisper 60 filter and 2 fluoro lighted hoods, one for each half. With the way the hoods lay, I can only position the filter "towards" the middle...still mostly to one side. The result is that the far side of the tank is not getting cleaned properly. I can see the water move much slower on that side as well as accumulate "stuff" much quicker. Any thoughts to fix? I don't want to buy a smaller filter for that side...but not sure what to do. Also, the move was traumatic for the fish so he's not eating regularly causing excess food sometimes to exacerbate things. Thanks!




  1. you don't need to do anything the filter is pulling water from the far side thought all of the movement you are seeing is on the side with the filter

    as far as the stuff building much quicker on oneside sounds like your over feeding the tank to calm the fish down and relax him leave the light off for a few days if it is a large fish feed it a floating pelet food and only give one or 2 pelets at a time

    I have one filter like yours though different brand on all of my 55's and they do fine

    also if you have colored gravel it will show excess food and stuff much more than natural colored gravel so will need a bit more siphoning to keep looking nice  

  2. If you are seeing mulm build up them you are probably overfeeding your fish which is one of the big killers of fish. Make sure to do more frequent partial water changes and syphon the mulm out of the tank. Also make sure to vacuum to graves each time to get rid of uneaten food and fish waste that will stay in the gravel and provide a place for anaerobic bacteria to grow. This will produce methane gas which is poisonous to the fish (it is the bubble that come up from the bottom that smell like sulfur).

  3. you need a more powerfull filter....get a 100 gallon filter

  4. buy a bigger fish tank that is 100 tank size

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