
56 days since last period, neg results, anyone have this and found out they were pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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So I was due to get my period today. . . i am not 56 days from my last period. . . this is the first time in my life that i missed a month and now going on two. The blood test was taken 2 weeks ago came back neg and all neg hpt. I know that my grandmother didnt get a positive when she was pregnant with my mother till she was 4 months and my cousin on my mother side found out at 3 months through U/S. My Dr said there is no way i am because the blood came back neg but i am having symptoms. My b***s got bigger as so did the nipples. My hips got a little bigger, im naseous, and peeing more. as well as cramps here and there oh and my lower back hurts so much. Anyone ever get negative test results and were indeed pregnant. I see my Dr again today if she still refuses to do a U/S im going to find a new dr . . .




  1. Albeit unlikely, it is certainly possible, especially with your family history.  :-)

    I think sometimes doctors don't listen to their patients and rely heavily on tests that in very small percentages are inaccurate.  You might just be part of a very small percentage.  2 months is a long time not to have a period with your family history...

    I hope you can find a doctor who will listen to your family history and listen to you.  Now, chances are you'll have to pay out of pocket for that U/S because your insurance will see no need for it, but I think its worth it to do.  GL to you!!

  2. I conceived my daughter in May and didn't show a positive result until the end of it could be possible that you are pregnant.  Def. get the U/S to know for sure.

  3. i have heard that it takes at least 6 weeks to show positive. but if ur body is changing then u probably are. if ur doctor refuses anything then u should find a better doctor. iv alsoheard that alot of stress causes late periods. are u really stress out?

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