
5D Mark II rumours!??!? 5D mark 2, 5D Mk II?

by Guest32911  |  earlier

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Rumours for a 5d mark 2 anyone




  1. Photokina in September.

    Canon have led the way in this intermediate semi-pro/pro sector of the market with a full frame camera for the last 3 years.

    Nikon are about to steal the march on them with the D700.

    Expect a model with at least 15MP, live view, digic 3 with higher FPS and has improved image processing linked to specific full frame lenses to correct vignetting etc.

    Cost £2200 initially.

    All guesswork, but canon like to lead from the front.  They've been holding back on a successor to the 5D for a while so I'd be expecting it to be very very good.

  2. Last time I talked to the Canon rep when he was at our local camera shop, he said he had heard nothing about any upgrades or replacements for the current Canon 5D.

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