Hi,I designed a power supply board which is powered by a 12V transformer connected to a full bridge rectifier. The rectifier drops ~2 volts and considering the voltage of the supply main etc I get 9.5 - 10V output from the rectifier.
The output of the rectifier I connected to a 7805 IC and I get 5V Output. I connected a 220 uf cap accross the + & ground terminal and get ~5.25V. I also have a 24v rectified source, the 12V and 24V ground are connected.
I connect this supply to a board a) which contains 2 microcontrollers, 1 16x2LCD,board b) which contains 4 5V relays , 4 LM339 ICs and 8 3094 power transistors.
The problem is there is a very heavy dip in voltage when I connect to each of the boards, each microcontroller dips nearly 1V so when I put in my second microcontroller the voltage dips as low as 3V and the case becomes worse when I connect the supply to the other source.
I need to have common ground thro' the 2 boards.
How can I prevent the voltage from dipping down and maintain a constant 5V?
Can any one please give me a solution to this problem?