
5k race in 2.5 weeks. Training: running?

by  |  earlier

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Can you provide me a training schedule for everyday for the next 2.5 weeks. My race is August 9th. I have been training for 6-7 weeks and i am up to 30 miles a week. I really want to train very hard next week so i can get a pr at the race. My current pr is 21:30 and i want to get early 20's. Possibly 20:00-20:20




  1. Good for you on wanting to pr.

    here's a plan:

    mon: long day, 7-15 miles

    tues: recovery, 5-8 miles

    wed: speed training, run 3 miles, last two miles run at race pace.

    thurs: base run, 6-8 miles

    fri: base run, 6-8 miles

    sat: slow run at 4-7 miles

    sun: rest day!

    Best of luck, hope you get in the 20's.

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