
5th grader son?

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my son jay got a note home from school for misbehaving. this is the 2nd time this year he gets a note home for mis beaving.

he said he only got his name down with 2 check marks and the teacher is mean. what should i do with him. His teacher is not very nice. should i still ground him for mis beaving in class. he never got a note from school before 5th grade.




  1. If you know he's a good kid, then let him off.  If you've met the teacher and you don't like her, then it is not his fault.

  2. if he is generally a good boy then let him off the hook.

  3. Have same issues with my son at times.  Boys will be boys, and I think you really need to punish them according to the crime they have committed!  My son also has  a not likeable teacher at times and he is well aware of my intolerance for bringing notes home.  But if his actions arent serious or damaging to others then dismiss it but ensure he is aware that you are not happy.  Boys will be boys as they say, and I have found that if I take a reasonable approach then he knows he can always come home and tell me anything or everything about is day at school.  I used to really tell him off each time he was disciplined until one day I realised I didnt let him get a word in, and then I found out that his actions were justifiable.  I now wait to hear his reply before I decide to explode at him.  You certainly dont want to put the fear in your child so that he ends up too scared to come home to tell you anything.  So, take each case on its merit but remind him that you wont tolerate it and keep reinforcing the need for a great education.  Good Luck!
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