
5yr old barrel horse on supplements?

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I have a 5yr old barrel horse should I have him on any supplements yet? The vet that vet checked him said don't worry about anything till he starts showing signs of being sore, but obviously I want to prevent him from that. I do think hes a little young for joint supplements but would like other peoples opinions




  1. i've shown barrel horses all my life and i've never fed any supplements, even though almost everyone does, and my horses run just as fast

    most people feed healthy coat, which is an amazing product and really helps the horse out, if it needs it

    i'd agree with your vet, unless the horse shows the need for it then it's a waste of money

    keep in mind that feeding supplements can actually hurt(slow down) your horse if it doesnt need them

  2. I think that a lot of people over supplement their horses and waste money as a result. If your horse has a particular issue that you need to treat, such a biotin for weak hooves, then supplements are great. But I think that when you are feeding 6 or 7 supplements like some people do, you just need a better feed to begin with.

    That said, if your horse has something you need to treat like sore joints, then by all means go ahead and get him that. But if he doesn't need it, then you can spend your money elsewhere - like on new tack or show entries.

  3. He is pretty young... but if your worried about his joints, SmartPak does sell some joint support supplements for horses that are exposed to hard work, but have not yet shown signs of any problems. I have my 8 yr old OTTB on it and it really does seem to help him.

  4. I really think he is too young for supplements....if you work him correctly & use proper equip. you will prevent may want to use sport boots on him if you are worried about his joints & legs getting sore...but other than that, listen to your vet...they know this stuff better than anyone on here (unless there is a DVM on here...) You could try either cod liver or soya oil...but they dont do all that much...Just train him lightly, dont over stress him & put boots on all 4 legs & he'll be good to go unless your vet says otherwise.

    Good Luck!

  5. He is a bit young for joint supplements, but giving him cod liver oil can't do any harm - not only does it help their joints, it also provides essential vitamins which can only be a plus for a young horse, and it will also help his coat stay in good condition.

    Otherwise, if his diet provides all his nutrition requirements + vits & mins, then he shouldn't need any other supplementation. Most feeds provide adequate vits etc. if fed at the recommended amount (check content), and if he has access to good grass then it shouldn't be a problem.  

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