
6.4.1Review Questions the movement of tectontic please help!!!?

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1.Describe the type of eruption that results from each of the following volcanic features:

a)composite volcanoes

b)shield volcanoes

c)rift eruptions

2.Explain why most volcanoes are located near plate boundaries.

3.Why do composite volcanoes tend to have the most explosive eruptions?

4.a)List the types of material that erupt from a volcano.

b)What kind of volcanic hazard would affect the largest area after an eruption?

5.Although volcanic ash particles are small, the effect of ash can be devastating. Describe the nature of the damage caused by ash fall.

6.a)How are pyroclastic flows and lahars similar?

b)How are pyoclastic flows and lahars different?

7.Describe three benefits to living in areas of active volcanism.

8.Nearly a billion people around the world live in areas that have volcanoes.Being a neighbour to an active volcano is an exercise in balance: do the benefits out weigh the risks?




  1. 1.Describe the type of eruption that results from each of the following volcanic features:

    a)composite volcanoes Most explosive type located near subduction zones.  High viscous and gassous type of lava. Fuji, Vesuvius, Mt St Helens are composite volcanoes

    b)shield volcanoes- low viscosity lava type and not explosive  

    c)rift eruptions- sea floor spreading

    2.Explain why most volcanoes are located near plate boundaries.  Because near subduction zones the subducting oceanic plate causes pressure underneath the other plate causing violent eruptions.  Diverging plate volcanoes is the lava comming out of the spreading plates which, in turn, causes islands and seafloor spreading.

    3.Why do composite volcanoes tend to have the most explosive eruptions? The lava is highly gasseous and viscous which is more explosive. This happens because of the higher pressure in the mantel building up causing a more violent eruption.

    4.a)List the types of material that erupt from a volcano. Tephra, pyroclast, lava, steam

    b)What kind of volcanic hazard would affect the largest area after an eruption? ash, pyroclast

    5.Although volcanic ash particles are small, the effect of ash can be devastating. Describe the nature of the damage caused by ash fall. The weight of the ash can cause a lot of buildings collapsing, and acid rain.

    6.a)How are pyroclastic flows and lahars similar? They are a high speed cloud or flash-flood of debris and volcanic tuff that can take out anything and everything in its path.

    b)How are pyoclastic flows and lahars different? pyroclastic flows are clouds of volcanic ash, fire, and debris in a cloud.

    lahar is a flash flood of melted ice from the volcano with debris in it that, like pyroclastic flows, wipe out everything in its path.

    7.Describe three benefits to living in areas of active volcanism.  Good vegetation, fertil soil, beautiful scenery, and fun to climb.

    8.Nearly a billion people around the world live in areas that have volcanoes.Being a neighbour to an active volcano is an exercise in balance: do the benefits out weigh the risks? not necessarly. if you live near an active volcano, at any time all you ever worked for could be lost.  That is something to think about.  That also includes building your family.

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