
6 Billion dollar experiment?

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OK has anyone heard of the 6 billion dollar experiment that is going on in Switzerland? They are trying to recreate the Big Bang theory and they have been working on it for 10 years! They are trying it out in August and I heard that there is a possibility it might create a black hole! Has anyone heard of this or have any idea what might happen? I tried to do some research on it but couldnt find anything.




  1. Google " large hadron collider" and you'll find more than you want to know.

  2. I suggest you check the resolved questions here, it must have been asked a thousand times already and answered the same way..

    Do a web search on the Large Hadon Collider at CERN. I do not believe you could not find anything on it, where were you looking YouTube?.

  3. Don't go by what you read on disreputable web sites!

    trying to recreate the Big Bang theory  NO

    create a black hole NO


  4. This Q was a common theme in the Physics category the other night. Try searching the Web for: CERN and/or LHC.

    All this fear is due to a few skeptics, led by Walter L. Wagner, the same guy who tried to halt construction of the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory in 1999 with similar missives. The RHIC has been on-line since 2000.

    It's interesting that Wagner is not taking any flak for the LHC as others do for GW and Peak Oil.

  5. The majority of scientists don't agree.

    Before you came along, when talk of splitting the atom was contemplated, the beliefs were rampant that it would set off a chain reaction and all the atoms in the universe would split and destroy itself.

    It didn't happen, unless you and I are in some unknown place.

    One discovery.  Iron absorbs "tons" of neutrons and protons.  There is scads of iron in the earth's crust.

    It appears that this will take place in August.  Be interesting to see what new discoveries come of it, if any.

    No, I can't tell you what might happen.  I do believe that everything on earth is here, to be discovered.

    Certainly man has never "created" any thing new.  Only mixed or blended what has already been discovered, but not created.

  6. Yea the black hoel is gonna be sucked in bye eart gravity and when that happens over time the black hole will expaned and the earth will expand with it and its gonna turn out bad

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