
6 Month old won't nap!?

by  |  earlier

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I am losing my mind. Really.

He won't nap. I try to comfort him, he cries - I lay him down, he cries. I try the swing, he cries.

I am about to cry myself. Its been a week - 3 times a day I go thru this, until he is so exhausted he passes out.

He sleeps a 4-5 hour stretch at night and then up every 2 hours. He is breastfed, and eats solids once a day, in the evening, about and hour before bed.





  1. When babies get too tired they won't nap.  They get past a certain point and it's impossible for them to fall asleep.  At that age I made my daughter take her first nap about 2 hrs after she woke up in the morning.  Then another nap after lunch.

    I always rocked mine or layed down with her in our bed (which I still do).  Try laying down in your bed with him, nurse him while lying on your side and see if he won't just relax and fall asleep.

  2. Its completely baby also  6months and its hard for me to put him to sleep or even put him down for a little bit. My sister has a entertainmet for her daugther and last time i put my son in there and he stood there for a wild and nothing alse would work mybe u should try really is helpfull. check this out he would enjoy this.

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