
6 Nations 2007: who will win the Grand Slam between France and England?

by Guest57472  |  earlier

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6 Nations 2007: who will win the Grand Slam between France and England?




  1. I hate to say it but france will

  2. Its anyones game for the taking.

    France blow hot and cold just like england do at the moment but i`d love to see england do it.If they did the sprits would  remain high for when they DEFEND THE WORLD CUP.Altho only to lose it

  3. With the return of Johnny Wilkinson as well as Jason Robinson two of the best attacking players england has a chance of winning

  4. No - one!!!!!!!!!

    Ireland to beat England....!!!!!!!!!!

    England to beat France - let's hope.

    No grand slam... Ireland to win triple Crown.

  5. Vive la France, je deteste les Anglais,

  6. England hopefully

  7. France has extremly talented backs so i think they will win. But if England tries really hard and put there act togeather then they could possibly win!

  8. Well France have done the hard bit. England still have it to do. Maybe no-one this time. If Wales got the wooden spoon, that would do me.

  9. I hope England win it - and here's the best bit I'm SCOTTISH!!!

  10. Probably France... not convinced they'll get the grand slam, though, but it's definitely a possibility.

  11. England I hope !!!

  12. no grand slam this year! the Irish will be the champions!!!

  13. France, unless England can improve on their recent performance against Italy

  14. Ireland will beat and england and england will beat france.... Or maybe the scots will beat france??? but I can't see a grand-slam this year!!! The Irish will need a great points diff from the remaining matches to level it up with frances trouncing of the italians!!! But the best scenario would be france losing twice..... *prays*

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