
6 days delay in GF's period??

by  |  earlier

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hello everyone there...... i believe im in a real big mess...i had s*x with my GF and we tried the pull out method...and im sure that i did'nt come in atall...however she has a delay in her periods by 6 days she pregnant??she is having a usual pain which girls do have before there priods start however they are not we did a pregnanacy test and it shows a Negative result that she is not pregnant...i have kept pregnancy test for each day now..just to check everyday...can u please help me answering this question please if she really is pregnant as this 6 days delay in periods??




  1. The pull out method is no guarantee, because you can still pre *** and not feel it come out. Maybe she's just getting her period late though it could happen.

  2. if she starting to have some symptoms like nausea, sleepy, like to eat more, bad tamper.....etc then that could be that she is pregnant. you should way a few days and see or.. it may just be that she is too stress out.

  3. Your girl friend needs to wait until she has missed her period to test if she is pregnant. All at home pregnancy tests will come back negative unless she has missed her period.

    The pain she could be feeling is the embro embedding itself.

    Good Luck

  4. she may just be late. i was 2 weeks late last month. if the preg. tests keep coming up neg, she is most likely not preg.if you are really worried about it, get a blood test.

  5. First thing is, Calm down.

    She may be late in her period, but that could be from stress.

    I used to go in this circle all the time my friend, I would make myself sick and not sleep or eat because I was just so stressed out.

    My girlfriend knows that I sometimes overreact and she let me know, that if she was pregnant, she would know because it was her body. So I guess what im saying is dont  think that just because she's late means that its a for sure thing. Heres a link to some pregnancy symptoms.

  6. she is definitly pregnant !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dadyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

  7. There is enough pre-ejaculate to impregnate a woman long before you even think of pulling out.  As you are finding out, withdrawal is not an effective method of birth control.  Why are you having unprotected s*x?  Even if you were not concerned about pregnancy, there are many other health reasons to always use protection.

  8. She definitely could be pregnant.  Take another test or get a blood test at the doctor.  In the future, remember that pulling out is not a good form of birth control.

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