
6 days late, negaitve pregnant test?

by Guest64794  |  earlier

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Last month I spotted a lot and now this month my period is no where in sight! I'm now 6 days passed due, with lots of cramping, tiredness, and peeing very often. My pregnancy test said i was negative, but it's weird for me not t have a period at all. Could i have tested too soon? Has anyone else had this problem of a negative test, but ended up being pregnant? I'd love advice, stories, etc. I'm trying to figure out what's going on...




  1. If you are six days late, you didn't test too soon. You may have had a defective pregnancy test. Lots of tests can be defective and show a negative when you're in fact pregnant. If you haven't started in the next two days, buy another test and take that one. If it's still negative, you should talk to your doctor. Your period or hormones may be out of whack. Stress can cause pregnancy symptoms and a delayed period as well. Good luck.

    And yes, I had a negative test, but I really was pregnant. I waited a week and took another one, and that one was positive. So, I don't know if the first test was defective, or if I just tested too early.

  2. you could be,, try and test again,, some times it can be to early,,, every one is different.. or af could be lerking!!!  

  3. No, if you are late you can test anytime. Go to the doctor and get a blood pregnancy test:)

  4. It may be possible your going through a miscarriage, I would take a test first thing in the morning when you wake up before you've had anything to drink.. If you havent already. The morning you get the best test results. I to had a false negative. Mine said negitive and i was pregnant and didn't no it and lost the baby couple weeks later. They said the reason the test was so light or not showing up was because my body was going through the miscarriage at that point. Cramping is also a def sign of miscarriage. If you all the sudden start to bleed heavily i would maybe go to the docter. You may have became pregnant on the pill kept taking it and cause a miscarriage to.

  5. I would start by chilling out a little, the more you stress about it, the more likely it will effect your cycle.  It if very possible that your period is on its way, also possible that you are pregnant and tested too early.

    If it doesnt come, test again using first morning urine and if that doesnt confirm anything for you then see your doc, there may be an underlying reason for your periods not showing and the weird one you had last month.

    I wish you well and all the best.

    Baby dust to you x*x

  6. i'm in the same boat! but i dont feel any major symptoms though..

    i hope to get a bfp soon..for both of us ;)

  7. hiiiiiiii

    i ve d same prob. 2day m 6days overdue n i did d test 2day n morning n 4 my shok it kame out 2b a big NEGATIVE :((((((( My cycles r v regular. been on clomid since 2months,due 2 wich i developed 2 left ovarian cysts but in dis cycle i had mid cycle bleeding on CD21. d amazing thing is my AF is late 6days but i neither haf pre-menstural symptoms nor pregnancy symptoms. dunno wat 2 do.  

  8. Besides checking with your doctor, had you lost a lot of weight lately? There's any changes on your diet? Had you start a rigorous exercise program? Any extreme changes at all? Stress? All those factors can cause a change on your menstrual cycle.

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