
6 days late. Does this look like a positive pregnancy test?

by Guest66389  |  earlier

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My periods were due on august 20th and they still havent come

I done two pregnancy tests and they both came up like this one..

(Not MY test but looks similar to what mine came up like, But I think mine has the tinyiest bit more blue

Positive or not?




  1. that looks to me like it showin you are.... go to the doctor though to make 100% sure

  2. I would say faint positive which is still positive call an OB/GYN and make an appointment to get a blood test to be sure, CONGRATS!

    I had alot of faint positives with my first

  3. It actually could be... if there is just a little tiny bit of hormone in your body.  Wait about 3 days and take another one.

  4. i think that's a positive! i'd give it a few days and make sure to take it with FMU... congrats!

  5. Positive Congrats go and see a Doctor... Good Luck for the next 9 months

  6. looks positive but wait a few days and take another test

  7. yes.. congrats

  8. Positive hun, congrats xx

  9. THIS test looks like a positive (you said this was not yours).  However, I would take a few more to see if the test line increases in color.  I know in my pregnancy, the test line stayed faint for a few days and then one day it just 'exploded' with color.  Keep an eye on it and then call your Dr. if you are still not sure.

  10. the one you have just show is a positive  

  11. it's a definitely positive...

  12. mmm it is positive ... congrats

  13. Yup defiantly a positive :) Congrats!

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