
6 days late? EXTREMELY faint line on 2 tests....what does this mean??

by  |  earlier

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I went off the pill last month and I had my last period on the 23rd of july so my next period was due on the 20th of august....its now the 26th and still no period. I took two pregnancy lastnight and one this morning and they both came up with 2 lines but one is REALLLY REALLLy faint barely noticble, i can only see it in normal daylight.

Has anything sililar happened to anyone???

What does this mean




  1. Your pregnant honey!

    That happened to me!



  2. A + is a +, faint or not. I would confirm with another test in a few days to be sure and maybe even a blood test but going on that alone I would say Congrats. Just wait and confirm like see if the line is getting darker, or get blood work. Good luck.

  3. its happening to me rite now!! my lmp was 24/july and i shd have had my period for this month..2 barely noticable hpt second line..

    tried to snap a picture of it but the camera cant detect the line as my eyes could

    hopefully we'll end up preggy this time :D

    I'm gonna start charting my temps, even though its late.... but if the temp is very high then i can say that i'm maybe pregnant before doing another hpt or going for a blood test.

  4. i haf d same story...took clomid las 2months wich gave me left ovarian cyst as a gift :( LMP 23rd july n next due on 21st aug. no period til now. but d sad news is my test is -ve. only 1 line dis morinig :(((( 1st of al ill congratulate u n instead of answering u i wud rather ask u...wat pill u were taking? 4 how many days n plz share wid me ny tips u hav.  

  5. Congrats sounds like your pregnant get a blood test done just to confirm it.

  6. I've taken 3 tests, all with really really faint lines.  the first one was one of those +/- tests with the blue dye, so who knows about that one.  the next two had shadowy lines and the last one, taken yesterday, was darker than the one before.  and it wasn't playing peekaboo on me when I was trying to find some good light.

    since they're shadowy (I had a test with purply pink ink and the line was a very very faint purple) and not white or gray like evap lines, I'm considering them positives (but my husband thinks we should still retest tomorrow).

    if you wait a few more days, you might get a more accurate result.  good luck!

  7. Congratulations!!!! your preggo! A line whether faint or not means you are pregnant. Tests will show false negatives but rarely ever false positives. Congratulations!!!!!

    Also: It may be a bit early and thats why your line is faint.

  8. Most likely your pregnant. have a blood test to confirm.

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