
6 month immunizations?????

by  |  earlier

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so yesterday i took my son in for his shots, and of coarse 6 months shots are the same as the 4 month and the 2 month only difference was a second hep b..anyways my son would always fever and his little legs would swell at the shot area, his 4 months shot went smoothly, alittle fevering but the tylenol took care of it.. so yesterday i gave him tylenol before the shots and 4 hours later the daycare gave him another dose. when i picked him up he was warm.(100.1) and he wasn't due for anther dose for about an hour. when we got home he was even more warm so i gave him a dose about a 1/2 hour early. 20 minutes went by and he was getting hotter, so i took all his clothes off and got wet washclothes and was trying to cool him down.. i finally gave him some baby motrin, and that finally started bring down the temp. all through the night he still had a slight fever. i must of checked on him 20 times.. so my question is has anyone been through this?? why is the tylenol not working all of a sudden? is there anything else i can do for him and how long is the fevering going to last?

sorry i had to write a book....





  1. Do not feel bad, my daughter did the exact same thing, like i don't even think she got a fever at all with her 2 month and 4 month shots, and if she did it was only like 99 degrees. This time her fever spiked up to 103! Scared the living daylights out of me. Anyway... i think as they get older their bodies react to the vaccinations differently. I am not sure why, i guess they just do. My sister informed me that the 6 month shots are the worst. When they get them again at a year she says its not as bad, and at that age we can switch them back and forth between tylenol, and motrin. Oh and another thing that helped my daughters fever go down was a cool bath, and then i took some nice cool wet wipes and just spent like the entire night putting them on her body to try to bring the fever down. It worked, and by that time the tylenol had started to kick in and she could rest... and then so could I. Well good luck!

  2. My daughter had her 6 month vaccinations last week and she did the EXACT same thing. I have never seen the poor child so miserable. We had a hard time getting her fever down and her little legs were so swollen! We called the doctor and they said not to be concerned unless it lasted for more than 2-3 days or got higher than 102.5, which it didn't. Tylenol didn't help her much either. The only thing that really helped was lots and lots of cuddles and loving!

  3. My son had his 6 month shots yesterday too.  : )

    My youngest doesn't really have this problem but my oldest *always* did!  Sometimes you just have to use the Motrin and Tylenol together to knock out a fever (no matter what is causing the fever) or maybe the dosage wasn't high enough.  It shouldn't last any longer than a day or two, if it does I would give the doctor a call.

  4. I think 6 month shots were the WORST for us.

    You can SAFELY rotate tylenol AND motrin every 3 HOURS as needed..So if you gave motrin at 1 and he gets warm at around 4 You can safely give him tylenol. They are NOT the same medication and do not interact with each other. Be sure you have the correct dosage for your little one. I have links to dosage charts for you. Tylenol dosage chart. Can be saved and used until it is time to give your child(of course when he is a lot older) the adult dosage! Motrin dosage chart. And again save the link and use it until your child is able to use the adult dosage!

    if they take you to a page trying to join. on the bottom left of the article click where it says just take me to my article or page

    Good Luck, And remember no more shots until 12 months! and those are easier if you split them between that visit and the 15 month visit! My baby didn't even get a fever since his 6 month shots and he is 17 months now!

  5. Each set of immunizations will affect him more than the previous set since he already has some of the shots in his body from last time.  It is very "normal" to have a fever from the shots and motrin is recommended and lasts longer than tylenol.

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