
6 month old with chicken pox -advice, anyone?.?

by  |  earlier

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One of my sons has chicken pox.. he is 6 months old.

Mainly i am wondering if i should cover his body with ajammies or keep theme xposed with a onesie.

since he is so young, he can't really scratch them so that isn't an issue.. which would be more comfortable for him?

also any suggestions to help him feel better?

he has a mild fever.. do they tend to get warm or cold with a fever?

also he has a twin brother who doesn't have it (yet?).. do you think he will get it or probably not?

if you have anything to add to chicken pox let me know.. i don't know much about them except what the doc printed off for me.

thank you!.




  1. Here is a website I found with some information on infant chicken pox.  I know for a fact that chicken pox in adults can be extremely dangerous so maybe it would be better if your other son catches it and gets it over with.  Then you wouldn't have to worry about him catching it during his later years and possibly missing school, etc.  Is your son (with the pox) acting really fussy and or miserable?  This is a very interesting topic and good question.  Good luck to you!

  2. put baking soda in the water for the itching and sea salt for the healing. it would be best if your other boy gets it to as you say babies deal with it better than a toddler or small child who can itch and scratch. so expose him as much as possible. if the fever is just mild iwouldn'tt worry just stick with the recommended dose of paracetamol. just keep him comfortable.

  3. Oatmeal baths  

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