
6 months in France....where would you live and why?

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i'm looking for a host family, will be working as an au pair....tho im having trouble deciding what city to look in first!

suggestions? why do you choose what city??




  1. Marseille!! Its one of the biggest citys in France, it lies at the sea  

    in the south of France and its beatifull and has lots of historical things to see.

  2. Paris,near the left bank. You can take day trips by bus or car. The city is vibrant, culture laden as well as a food heaven.  

    If you speak the language it will improve , if not you will learn quickly by frequenting the local markets. Key words Merci Beacoup and Sil Vouz Plait. Bon Chance.

  3. I love Paris...BUT an entire country cannot be defined by one popular city!  Check out Les Beaux Villages de France. My husband and I have traveled extensively throughout France.  Some of our favorite places include:  Nantes.. Le Bretange, La Normandie, Le Puy, Pornichet and La Baule...Nice..the list goes on. Plus, the French countryside is just exquisite and the history of  various villages is incredible...never mind the local cuisine! If you truly want to experience "La Joie de Vivre"  -  and have an authentic French experience get out of the City and Go to the Village! - Bon Voyage!

  4. Personally...either Paris, Grenoble, Reims or Perpignan.

    Paris ... that just speaks for itself really.  I love Paris though it can be very expensive and to save some money you'd have to live on the outskirts so you wouldn't get the true Paris experience.

    Grenoble ... I've never actually been but it just looks gorgeous!! It's set right at the Alps and near the borders of Switzerland and Italy.

    Reims is quite nice but not outstanding, I just like it because it's quite easy to get used to and find your way around and I met a lot of nice people there and found the accent quite easy to understand.

    And Perpignan ... again I've never been but I love the surrounding areas!!  Especially a place right on the coast called Banyuls-sur-Mer.  Just gorgeous.  The whole area is with the sea and the Pyrenees!!

    Good luck wherever you decide to go!!

  5. I have seen and spend time in all areas of France, but out of where I have been:

    I would spend three months in Paris.  The first month you will explore it, the second month you will fall in love with it, the third month you understand what Paris really is, and you wish you could live the rest of your life there.  However avoid July, and August.  This is a phenomenon to me, I know that this happens to all major cities in Europe, but there is no Paris in July and August.  It is a totally different city, they should pick another name for this city during those two months.

    But this is great for you.  Because you can spend a month in each of:

    South of France.  Niece, Cann, try Monte Carlo too

    Mid France.  Metz, Lyon, Nanncy

    Upper France.  Lille

    Wish you a great time.

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