
6 months postpartum-weight gone but still larger size, what gives?

by  |  earlier

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I am 5'1". Before pregnancy, I weighed 135 pounds and wore a size 8. Now I'm 6 months postpartum and have been 130 pounds for some time, but I'm a size 10 and just look/feel all around "fatter" not just in my tummy either. I just feel like every part of me looks fatter, and I fit very well into a size ten. So what's going on? Is my body not where it will be yet? Oh my hip measurement is about the same as it was.




  1. It's because your bones have changed. I noticed that myself and so have allot of other women. Because when your body changes during pregnancy your bones had to move to make way for the baby and they never go back to the same positions after the baby is born. That's also why the second baby is considered easier to deliver and carry.

  2. you are bigger your bones have streched to make room for your new baby sorry i know thats not what you wanted to hear

  3. Your body has changed from the inside out.  So you may weigh less now, but everything is still getting back into place with your body.  It takes a while, im not sure how long, but i lost all my weight with my first child, but before my body went back to normal i was preg again.  Not gonna happen this time, but maybe i will know in the future.

  4. I'd give your body a few more months to recoup. before you start getting too frustrated. There's always the saying '9 months on, 9 months off' ...and many women I know say to give it a year. I'm almost a year post partum now, about 5'5-- 140lbs before pregnancy, now down to 130, but still wear a larger size, and look much heavier than I used to. I can't even wear a normal t-shirt and jeans without looking pregnant. Everything just gets distributed so differently after pregnancy... such a pain! I'm constantly frustrated by it, but looking at that little boy that I gave my body up for makes it not matter so much anymore! Good luck with everything... & enjoy your little one!

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