
6 months pregnant, leaned on stomach? ?

by Guest55668  |  earlier

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I'm 24 weeks prego. Today at work, I leaned (hard) on my stomach. I work at a drive-thru and leaned over the edge of the wall to pick something up, and I ended up pushing into my tummy pretty hard....Now I'm having very slight pains in my lower stomach. Is the baby okay? It's kicking and everything, but I'm just worried.




  1. I can assure you your baby is fine.

    WHen I was in my 6th month, I slipped on a step and landed right on my stomach. She was kicking hours later, but of course I went to the hospital.  Baby has so much protection in there, but if you'll end up feeling better I'd say go to the hospital...

    good luck!

  2. i would bet money that your doctor said that 'short of an accident that causes you pain, you're baby is probably okay'.


  3. Yes. I'm sure your baby is fine.

    I am 23 weeks pregnant and a few days ago I got ran over by a Golden Retriever. I fell right on my stomach. I went to the doctor and he was just fine!

    For me, my uterus can be very tender to the touch, especially if it is pressed on too hard - ie: by too tight pants.

  4. If you don't hurt yourself to the point of needing to see a doctor, then you didn't hurt your baby either.  Your baby is very cushioned in the sack.  I wouldn't be too concerned, but if the pain continues, call your doctor tomorrow.

  5. Your baby is fine...dont stress yourself, the baby has a lot of security inside there so no need to worry.....

  6. you probably just pulled on some muscles, the baby is very well protected inside of you. Unless you notice bleeding or the cramps turn onto contractions, i wouldn't worry. Just take it easy and if necessary, tylenol usually helps cramps. just chill and don't do any strenuous activity for a day or two. good luck!

  7. the baby is fine, even a minor traffic accident won't cause any harm to your baby. you would have be be pretty badly injured before anything would happen to the baby. think about it like this. your baby is a tennis ball inside of a balloon filled with water. if you mush on that balloon, it's going to displace all of the mushing and won't affect the ball inside.

  8. More than likely it is fine, they have a built in security system to protect them from a lot of stuff, you may want to call the dr and ask...

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