
6 months pregnant and the baby does not kick so much. is that normal?

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I'm 25 weeks and 3 days. I do feel the baby moving every single day but she does not kick hard. My hubby still cant feel her from outside. Her heartbeat is normal and the ultrasound said everything is ok. Everyone says that by six months you are supposed to feel powerful kicks. I'm 5 feet 2 inches and 165 pounds now. So far i have put on 22 pounds and yes i'm trying to watch my weight. My tummy isn't really big either. I'm so worried. Help please!




  1. every pregnancy is different.  it's possible that your baby just isn't soccer player material.  perhaps she's in a strange position.  i'm sure there are a thousand possibilities.  as long as your doctor is happy with yours and the baby's progress, i'm sure everything is just dandy.  but if your concerns are keeping you up nights, call your doctor, that's what they are there for.

  2. how big is your baby? maybe she is just small... dont worry... you will feel the hard kicks.... as long as you are able to feel 10 kicks in one hour, you are fine...

    do this... have a little snack (sugary snack) and wait till she starts kicking, then, count 10 kicks in 1 hour... it this is not working... call your doctor....

    you will hate hard kicks!!!... so enjoy right now!.... LOL

  3. with my 3rd he was a lazy bum, never felt him kick unless he KICKED and that was not often, Even when we had the big ultra sound he did not move once, no matter what the lady had me do, stand up and wiggle, put this vibrating thing on my belly baby did NOTHING, Well he is a year now and he started standing at 5 months walking at 8 so in my case everything turned out fine, baby is just really comfy in your belly oh and i did not gain hardly any weight while preg and my baby was 5lb13 maybe you got a tiny baby who is kicking but you just don;t feel it since she is so small.but as long as you feel her every day thats good,  

  4. First of all, try to not worry. As long as you are feeling her that is all that really matters at this point. My baby started kicking big at about 20 weeks. Nearly everyone in my family had felt his kicks by 22 weeks. Then his movement changed. I could still feel him but nothing big. I asked my doctor about it and he assured me that it was normal. He said it was just the positioning of the baby. He even said the baby may have been behind the placenta. I don't think he was but maybe that is what is happening in your case. I am 27 weeks now and my little boy is back to the big kicks.  

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