
6 months pregnant and the father and I are no longer together?

by  |  earlier

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Hi. I am 22 years old and pregnant with my 1st child. I live on my own, am finishing my last semester of college, and I pay my own bills. The problem is that I've had a boyfriend who ive been with for about a year and a half, and am now 6 months pregnant with his his. He still lives at home with his mother and father and it bothers me. We've talked about getting a place together and possibly even marriage but he has decided that this is something that is not his priority right now. I feel like I'm the only one preparing for this baby. I have no money for myself. After rent and when all of my bills are paid, the money goes straight to funds for my child. He doesnt make that much money. He decided to get a higher car note then he had before and his decisions just make me so mad. Im ready to just leave him and do this on my own. Ive really become depressed and sometimes, I think that this pregnancy is a mistake. Do you guys have any suggestions on what I should do? Please dont judge me.




  1. Don't hesitate to leave him, his deferring only shows his lack of commitment. If I was to have a child with someone I'd settle with them for life. He's not mature enough to realize this. You obviously deserve better, stay strong.


  2. Not his priority!!!? maybe you should try and make him understand that his priority is the child on the way that is half his, and if he still doesn't think its his priority then maybe you should leave him and get child support. being a single mother is hard im sure, but many women do it. .. also maybe you should tell him not to be such a deadbeat bf/ soon to be dad and think about someone other than himself. and if that doesnt work tell his parents about the situation and see if they cant convince him to do the right thing.

  3. It doesn't seem like your bf is really interested in being a father. If you're doing everything on your own anyway, then I wouldn't mess with him anymore, it will just cause you more stress and you shouldn't have to deal with that...honestly the child will probably be better off without a dad like that anyway.

  4. I'm definately not trying to judge you because i've been there...done that!!! The guy you're with doesn't seem so concerned about the new baby. He won't know until it hits him!! I'm a mother of 2 beautiful babies! The guy has not took a reality check yet! Is this his 1st as well? You need to do what is best for you and your new born(soon to be) and tell him he needs to step up and realise that the baby is the only thing he needs to be worrying about at the moment. They have tons of items they need to be provided for by the mother and the father.

  5. You need to concentrate on your well being and the health of your baby.  It will be tough but you can take care of your baby with or without the baby's father.  Have faith in God and He will provide for your every need.  Your boyfriend needs to grow up accept his responsibility.  Maybe, there is a church that may be able to help you make the proper decisions.

  6. You will be ok, babies do take a lot of money but if you want it then it will be ok.  When the baby is born you can get childsupport so he will be helping out financially (and childsuport really doesn't care if he can afford his car or not).  He needs to start helping to prepare for the baby so i would just let him know that you need some things for the baby and that you don't have the money so you need him to get it and see what he says.  Chances are until you get a higher paying job you won't have any "extra" money but no the baby isn't a mistake, he would have been this way even if you weren't pregnant and if you never had children he would still be selfish as that is just some peoples personalities.

  7. Adoption is always an option. It's hard to not be stress being in this situation but please try. Everything will work out for the best.

    I would be mad also if my husband/bf is like him. His priority is all messed up. You are better off without him.

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