
6 ounces too much to feed my son?

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he is about 10 weeks old but he weighs 13 pounds and 13 ounces. he isnt overweight, but hes a little chunky haha. its cute though: - go look at him (:

but anyways. he is drinking six ounces now every three hours and i think that may be too much. his doctor advised me to get him on every four hours instead but i cannnt. its soooo harrd! and i just dont know what to do. someone told me soy milk formula instead but i just dont knoww.




  1. I would suggest giving cereal. If he is wanting to drink 6oz already then he wants more. I would give him 4oz with cereal every 3 hours.

    Nuby has great bottles allows the creal to flow through the nipple mixed with the formula.

  2. Aww, he is a cutie!   I don't think he is eating too much at all.  That amount is totally normal!  As much as you may want to get him on a better schedule, right now he knows when he needs something to eat, and there is really ntohing you can do.  He runs the show for now :)

    As long as he is content after eating and not vomiting, I wouldn;t worry one bit!

    Congrats to you and your precious little guy!

  3. My daughter was eating 6 oz every 3 awake hours at that age.

    Don't give him any cereal unless directed by a doctor, his digestive system is too underdeveloped.

    I tried every four hours, and at about four months she took 4 to 5 six ounce bottles a day (while awake).

    Make sure you are mixing the formula correctly as well.

    My daughter was in the 95th percentile in everything and is now thinning out as she is more active (she's 8 months.)

    Just basically let him eat as he pleases, if that is every 3 hours let him be.

    You can't overfeed a baby at this age if they are on strictly formula or breast milk..  they only take what they want and are able to.. if it is too much, their bodies will excrete it (in the form of spit up).

  4. he dosent need a formula change. my 5 week old eats 6oz every 3 hrs and still wants more! shes 10lbs 11oz. my dr said shes fine. sounds like ur lil one can start on rice cereal. i would do 1 tbsp in 4oz formula...that will be heavier on his tummy. i would only do it once towards lunchtime and then again at dinnertime. my lil girl was eating 4 oz every 2 hrs...and my old ped told me that was too much...only to give her 2oz every 4 hrs! yea right! hes not here to listen to my hungry screaming baby! so i switched ped's and this one said "let your daughter be the judge on how much she wants, you be the timekeeper. if she want 8 oz every 4 hrs...give it to her" maybe try uping him to 7 or 8 oz...that may stretch it out to 4 hrs for you. if hes not spitting up...feed him. he'll know when to stop. good luck mama!

  5. my daughter ate 6-7 oz bottles at that age, every three hours.she weighted 13.5lbs, her doctor told me that that was normal,and not to worry.  i tried to get her on every four hours,myself but that didn't happen until she was 6 months old and on solids. ask the doctor about maybe adding cereal once a day.  

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