
6 out of 44 in a test...?

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have you ever failed by this ,much I'm pretty sure I'm at the bottom of the class. i got 6 out of 44 in a maths test.

i feel so dumb even though i know I'm not coz i get A's in maths.

Its ok for guys because they can just act like they don't care.

i don't know how i can face school tomorrow or my parents..

these days life's getting the best of me days are going by so fast and i just feel sad... not all the time just yeah anyway can you give me some advice on how to get over it.




  1. Maybe you\re trying too hard. This happened to me last year I was going for 85-90% and I ended up with 62% to start the semester for a long time. It's not like i wasn't studying or anithing i was pushing myself and aiming for perfection.

    I suggest you relax or find that "state of mind" in which you perform at your best. This is easier said than done.

    To finish my story i went from 61 to 82 at the end its not amazing but this happened when i completly gave up on trying to get perfect and just did what i had to do and forget about the marks.

    Relax everithing goes better when you're relaxed

  2. This happened to me every time at maths.. I was lousy.. like a mathematical analphabet.. I could not manage to understand and learning never helped.. it was good that I was not bad at any other subject.. so I always got bad marks in math..  I had to live with it.. Learning in my case was futile.. the logical thinking eluded me for math... xx so I studied languages instead...xx

  3. You're correct - a - mundo.  You should study!  Good guess.  I had a maths test years ago and the best score was 4% in the whole class.  Most of us got 0%.  What a laugh.  Turned out the teacher had given us the wrong test, so he turned out to be the dill, not us.

    But, back to you.  That was one test, so what.  Perhaps it was a real hard test, you don't say.  Your usual results sound really good so this is just a hiccup in the overall story.  Of course you'll feel dumb, everyone feels dumb some time or other.  It's hard to escape that feeling but it's only a feeling, you are not dumb.  Do you get it?  It's actually a useful lesson for you.  Now you can understand how those kids who get the bottom marks feel.

    You'll face school and take your share of ridicule like a woman (or whatever the female equivalent of 'take it like a man' is) and smile.  If you have to, get some help from your friends or do a bit more study.

    Try and take some time to have a little fun if you can and not beat up on yourself too much.  It's a time of life that you will feel sad as well as lots of other emotions, that's just growing up.  If you dwell on negative things you blow them up bigger than they actually are so the trick is to realise what's going on and think up some positive thoughts to balance it all out.  It's not easy at times to do that, but chip away and before ya know it things start to turn around.

    Just thought of something else.  Keep this one for later on in case you ever get a big dose of the downers.  I read it somewhere and it will pull you back to reality if you use it.  It goes like this:

    'I was walking down the street crying, because I have no shoes.  Then I saw a man who has no feet'.

  4. It's only one test, it won't matter in the long run. And if you usually get A's then it was probably a one time thing, right? And stop trying to impress your parents, your education is for yourself. Maybe get a tutor?

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