
6 random questions about hockey?

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1) Mattel, Inc. wants to make a hockey player into a doll to replace Ken. Which hockey player would you choose to date Barbie?

2) Your 5 year old nephew or niece likes your least favorite team. Do you try to persuade them to not like that team?

3) What was the hardest trade that your team made in the past 3 years, that you're still trying to cope with?

4) Your team has to change one color in its logo, what color do you change? (and you can't say that you wouldn't change a color =P)

5) The NHL is going to choose a player to have his own reality show, who do you hope they choose? & why?

6) Would you ever name one of your kids after your favorite hockey player?




  1. 1. Sean Avery!!

    2. Yes, and if they don't listen to me, I'll shun them forever!

    3. Columbus trading Marc Denis, and Detroit not signing Bertuzzi.

    4. Detroit can add black, Columbus can add more yellow.

    5. Theo Fleury. Maybe this reality show will actually be REAL this time! His life is hard at times.

    6. Sure.

  2. 1) Sean Avery, gotta have the bad boy taking over from g*y Ken.

    2)This has happened to me in a bad way. 2 nephews 1 niece all Hab Fans! Doesn't get any worse than that!!

    3)Joe Thornton...............sad day in Beantown

    4)Pretty tough to change the Bruins but I guess I would remove the white and replace it with Silver/Grey

    5)John Kordic......i know he's dead but tell me that wouldn't make a h**l of a show!!! (Look it up if you don't know who I'm talking about.

    6) No kids but I did name my dog Bourque!

  3. (1) Zdeno Chara.  I can just picture the weekend update clip now... "Mattel Inc. recently chose Zdeno Chara to replace Ken as Barbie's cohort.  In related news, Barbie was recently ripped in half." (okay, so I stole that one from when Shaq was dating Calista Flockhart, but whatever)

    (2) Of course!!  I work with people with disabilities now, and I'm always trying to get them to change teams.  They all rag on me whenever the Rangers lose. :)

    (3) Hmm... I don't know.  The Brian Leetch trade, probably... it still pisses me off that he didn't play his whole career here.

    (4) The Rangers will always be red white and blue... but I guess I could change the shade of blue.  Or change white to ivory, or mother-of-pearl. :)

    (5) Avery... easy one.  His life is freakin' insane anyway, he'd love the limelight.

    (6) I don't know if I want kids, but I might.  A friend's brother is named Adam after Gravey.

  4. who's in your avatar? he looks like a terrorist.

  5. 1.Avery so he can ***** slap her and get arrested

    2.Nah, let them like em and tell them how much they suck on a regular basis

    3.Losing Neidemayer and Rafalski in back-to-back season...OUCH


    5.Avery, same reasons as above.

    6.Oh yeah

  6. 1.Anze Kopitar from the kings.

    2. h**l yeah u do! unless u want rivalry...which when i think about it, could be fun.

    3. hmm, thats a tough one. im pretty satisfied with how they're going.

    4.  washington capitals have red white and blue!

    how can u take one of those out!? lol. but if i had to, i'd take red out..

    5. ollie the goalie! who cares if hes oldish

    6. nah...



    nahh ;D

  7. 1) Mattel, Inc. wants to make a hockey player into a doll to replace Ken. Which hockey player would you choose to date Barbie?-----------------------Jonathan Cheechoo

    2) Your 5 year old nephew or niece likes your least favorite team. Do you try to persuade them to not like that team?----------Nah, when they get older, they'll know better.  hahahaha

    3) What was the hardest trade that your team made in the past 3 years, that you're still trying to cope with?-----------------------Hmm, can't honestly think of any bad Sharks trade over the last few years.  I really liked Vesa Toskala, but Nabokov's 2007-2008 year have changed my mind.  

    4) Your team has to change one color in its logo, what color do you change? (and you can't say that you wouldn't change a color =P)--------The black, i think we should get some purple in the Sharks jersey. :P  

    5) The NHL is going to choose a player to have his own reality show, who do you hope they choose? & why?--------------------Nabokov!  Man this guy is hilarious.  If you ever watched any of the "Shark Byte" segments, this guy didnt know who Chris Rock and David Chapelle was.  ha!

    6) Would you ever name one of your kids after your favorite hockey player?--------Ahh, theres many players i would name i would choose--"Vesa"..Sidney....Jaromir"....bu... if i could only choose one ill take my own name "sami" (salo)

  8. 1)  I am so old, I remember when they DID make a Wayne Gretzky doll.  I had one.

    Now, I would pick Crosby...because I am sure puckbunnys would LOVE to see what's under the cup.  

    2)  Yep.  Young minds are easily mold-able.  

    3)  I don't feel bad about trades.  Losing Nikolai Khabibulin sucked initially, but then looked what happened.

    4)  I would get rid of the silver.  Whenever you get an embroidered Lightning shirt or hat, it has this gaudy silver thread that reminds me of the Golden Girls.

    5)  Sean Avery...I can tell that would be a hit...but I still won't watch it.  Realty television is a joke.  

    6)  Nope.  I like traditional unique family names or ones that have meaning.  I'm not that tacky.

  9. 1) Sidney crosby because he doesnt need facial never see Ken with a beard!

    2)ya i tell them all the bad things abou t the team! or make up things about the player or team MUHAHAHA

    3) it just happened...ROLSTON *sniff sniff* :( its gonna scare me for years and years to come! will never get over this


    4) being a die hard wild fan it kills me to say this but ANYTHING is better our uniforms..i think of xmas when i see them lol! if we could change it i would want it to be the north stars logo and colors again! that was a cool jersey!!

    5)Sean Avery...they always put a**holes on TV

    6) well my favorite player are brian rolston and brent it isnt that big of a deal. BUT i am also a Saku  fan haha i would love to name my future son Saku!!!

  10. 1. Not my hubby, that ***** isn't getting her little plastic hands on my dude!

    2. No, they're kids. I'm just psyched when little ones have something to be passionate about. Besides, I can slap soem sense into them later on in life.

    3. I guees, in 3 years, Briere or Drury, but I don't really care...May still stings :(

    4. I'd change Sabres barf yellow to gold

    5. Emery...haha two hours of his cardboard box and him living with his mother LMAO

    6. If I liked the name, sure. I always Jaromir would be a good name for a cat.

  11. 1) Dan Cleary

    2) Yes

    3) Well, it wasn't a trade but having Hasek retire is taking a toll on me :(

    4) Change the Red Wings' white to black, maybe?

    5) Chris Osgood. He seems like a real shy, quiet guy. I would want to see him open up.

    6) Yes, I was just thinking about that the other day :) But not something like Jarkko or Sergei.

  12. 1) Brad Stuart  

    2) Of course

    3)I would say Conroy after the lockout, but Sutter got him back. Mainly because he missed Iginla (they were like bff's) :D.

    4)The yellow. I would change it to a intense orange color.

    5) Avery, that would be interesting.

    6) Not sure.

  13. Hi

    1. Darius Kasparaitis

    2. No cause their father is an AVS fan so I know they  will be too at that age.

    3. Thats not easy to answer. Probably the deadline move to bring Bert in.

    4. White to Eggshell

    5. I would not mind a show about Stamkos. Have it follow his rookie year. Other option would be Sundin, one final year type thing.  

    6. No, the initals woud be so horrid, and I could not do that to him.

    Thank You

  14. 1 Chara.... LOL

    2 No, everyfan is a fan no madder what team they like.

    3 Raycroft, after the lockout, he was rookie of the year then got like 30 wins next season.

    4 My teams only has Blue and white so I change white to black.

    5 Adam Foote has an intresting life.

    6 Brad or Richard.... maybe

  15. 1) Make a Nik Lidstrom Doll. He kind of looks like Ken anyway. Cheaper for production LOL

    2)Nah. Let them make their own decisions. I will still tease them and Buy them some gear of my team to add to their collection.

    3)Most Panther fans are still trying to swallow. "the trade" That git rid of Stu Barnes and a couple other guys for the biggest bust in Panthers history. Chris Wells

    4)Well I guess that cats can get rid of the yellow in it's color scheme.I guess maybe change it to Orange after our state Fruit and Drink. Orange juice.

    5)Ovie would be fun to follow around. Might need subtitles though

    6)I am not really sure. Some players have some great names. But that would be a decision between me and the Dad. Most likely It might wind up a middle name.

  16. 1.) Sean Avery would LOVE Barbie.

    2.) Of course!  Especially because he/she is young, they are more easy to persuade!!  I can't have my nephew/niece be a RANGER fan!

    3.) None that I can think of.  Most of the players that left the Devils weren't traded.

    4.) I guess the red.  Changing the black or white wouldn't make any sense.  It would make the jersey ugly.

    5.) Sean Avery of course - With his new internship at Vogue, NYC lifestyle, random hookups - perfect for reality TV!

    6.) Sure.  Brian Gionta and Scott Niedermayer are my favorite players, and they have nice names.  Of course if my favorite player was someone like...Jaromir Jagr then no.  I'm not gonna let my kid get embarrassed!

  17. 1. i would choose Brendan shanahan because the is a good looking guy, like really manly and stuff, he is tall and he just seems like a good guy. i think he would make a good ken.

    2. yes i would. i don't have any nieces or nephews yet but i do have younger cousins and i persuade them all the time. me and my older cousin like rival teams so we are always persuading our younger cousins to like our fav. team

    3. i don't know. there have been some trades that i didn't like but i am more upset at recent signings that haven't been made like avery and jagr. i am seriously pissed about the rangers not signing those two guys. they were two of my fav. players. i will truly miss those two. i was pretty upset when i heard avery signed with dallas and i was really upset when slather said that he was cutting off ties with jagr and then he signed with omsk.

    4. if i had to i would change the red on the rangers logo to like a really dark maroon. that is if i had too

    5. sean avery. that would be a funny show. i could just see him saying the things he really feels about other players and the league. i could see him cursing up a storm. it would  be so funny

    6. maybe. i have a lot of fav. players but i some i def. wouldn't name my kids after like jaromir, henrik etc. names like that.

  18. 1. Chris Pronger

    2. No

    3. Christensen, Armstrong, Ruutu, Streit & Ryder.

    4. Baby blue

    5. Maxime Talbot, because he has a great sense of humor.

    6. Possibly, I don't want kids, so I would name my dog after them.

  19. 1. Avery b/c he loves clothes toooooo!

    2. I'm an only child so  ha to that Q.

    3. Rucchin and Carney & Fedorov !!!.#&^*(*^ Burke fine w/e got the effing SC but dang it!!!  I had loads of fun chit chatting w/those men!!!

    4. Orange to blue.  Orange is for pumpkins and ooompa loompas.

    5. JR...funny dude

    6. Do cats count?

  20. 1) Mike Modano, this way Barbie can "get some" for the first time in her life

    2) My niece isn't much into sports but if she does root for my least favourite team that I will give her a lecture. Her mother is absolutely CLUELESS about US and Canadian sports teams. (I love Mexico, but Yanely, you don't know jack sh*t)

    3) The un-expected departure of Mark Streit

    4) The red and put green instead. Green is on the "Patriote" flag need I say more?

    5) I don't have a preference for who they pick, but I think it would be Vincent Lecavalier.

    6) I plan to.

  21. 1.Jordan Staal could pass as a ken doll. But i would like to see Crosby as one.

    2.See that wouldn't happen. My nephews don't watch hockey but i told them that they are gonna be my hockey players. Anyhow i would just be happy that they were interested in hockey!

    3.Well the canes just traded Erik Cole and i'm still trying to cope with it.

    4.Toughy.... I guess the red... i don't know what other color would look good though.

    5.Well as much media as crosby gets, he already has one. But i would like to see Nicklas Lidstrom just because everyone says he is such a great guy.

    6.Well i'm not a big fan of the name Martin... but my other favorite player's name is Eric, which happens to be my dad's name so i could just name my kid after my dad and a hockey player....

  22. 1. Barbie is probobly a puckbunny so make a Crosby doll.

    2. Yes! Persuade him to like the Sharks

    3. Oops! They did it today! Rivet is gone!

    4. Change the orange

    5. Ray Emery!!

    6. I never did that to my 2 sons. Nor would I ever!

  23. Sean Avery


    trading away Avery

    Red Wings white to silver


    My brothers son's first name is Steven and his middle name is Yzerman

  24. 1) This guy:

    2) New nieces and nephews are a dime a dozen. I'd just get some new ones.

    3) Leafs getting Vesa Toskala. Cost us Stamkos. (in a round about way)

    4) We only have blue and white and technically white isn't a colour. So the blue would have to go. I guess we have to settle for looking like a bunch of bandaids. Seems fitting.

    5) Jeremy Roenick. I'd watch that.

    6) No. Too costly trading the kids every few years.

  25. 1. Jordan Staal. He's young, good looking. Plus Barbie likes to party, and as we know so does Jordan.

    2. Yes. I actually know a 5 year old and one of the first things he said was 'Yankees Suck'...Yeah that's baseball..but It was hilarious.

    3. Joe Thornton to San Jose. >:l

    4. The white to a very very soft gray. XD

    5. Andrew Ference. I just like him..he's a fun guy and he's not too bad to look at ;]

    6. No, maybe a middle name, not a first name though.

  26. 1. Sidney Crosby!!! lol he doesn't have a girlfriend right?

    2. OH YEAH!

    3. Definitely getting Raycroft!

    4. What we only have blue and white! I guess we could change the white!

    5. Uh... Sean Avery. That would be funny!

    6. Sure why not...

  27. 1) Mike Modano

    2) no, because their dad will teach them to not like that

    3) um, the Sharks haven't done any hard trades recently...i'm still trying to cope with the Toskala trade though, but that's just me.

    4) i would remove the orange

    5) OV

    6) depends

  28. 1) Henrik Lundqvist (no homo)

    2) definitely

    3)Rangers trading Alexi Kovalev to Montreal in 2004 (lockout year doesn't count to me)

    4) The Rangers will always have red, white, and blue. if i had to, maybe the white to like black or a silverish- grayish color.

    5) Chris Simon: they only put people with a bad attitude on TV.

    6) Definitely!! Adam(Adam Graves), Brian(Brian Leetch) or  Mike (Mike Richter)

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