
6 week old wants to be held all the time.?

by  |  earlier

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If I lay her down she cries. Once in a while she will make it 5 or 10 minutes on her own, but most of the time, if she is awake she wants to be held. How do I stop this? I feel horrible letting her cry for too long.




  1. my son was like that. its hard because you cant get anything done, even going to the restroom!! do you have a swing for her?? i went to my friends house and put my son in the swing and he was quiet and passed out for so long. he loved it. as soon as i went home he is in my arms 24/7 again. so i went to target the next day and bought him a swing. he has been the best baby ever since i got it. that was when he was 2 months, now he is 4 1/2 months and he still loves it! if you dont have one, i suggest you get one. they're worth the cost!!

  2. Crying is perfectly healthy for them and it is better to get them out of the habit of being constantly held now, then when they are older.

  3. babies that young NEED constant contact, it is not for no reason. transitioning from the secure womb to the world is scary for a baby. all she knows is mommy is there to keep her safe... so what kind of a message are you sending her by leaving her to sob alone? that she can't trust you. babies need to be held, held, held and held some more. every touch and interaction stimulates their brain development. you cannot "spoil" a baby. human touch and contact is vital to their well being and sense of security. if you need to get other tasks accomplished throughout the day invest in a sling but DO NOT LET HER CRY.

  4. UM, she's only 6 weeks, what do you expect?  Just hold her, she is to young to try to manipulate you into being held, she just wants her mommy, try laying down with her till she falls asleep.

  5. SHE"S SIX WEEKS OLD!!!!!!   SHE DIDN"T ASK TO BE EJECTED FROM HER SAFE, SECURE HOME!!!!  OMG, why would you let her cry?  You are teaching her that she shouldn't trust her to respond to her needs!!!!  Oh please, please, please, run to your library and get Dr Harvey Karp's "The Happiest Baby on the Block"  (Book or DVD), and Dr. Sear's books, "The Baby Book" and "The Attachment Parenting Book" and "Raising a Successful Child".  Then, get/make/borrow a sling.  You need about two yards of fabric, and tie a knot.  SHE SHOULD NOT NEED TO CRY at this age!!!!!  That's how she communicates, and already you're telling her that her communication and needs aren't important.  She needs time to transition to the real world!!!  Nine months in, nine months out.  At least.

  6. You have to be cruel to be kind, if you keep picking her up she will always cry when you put her down because she knows it works and you will come and pick her up again, leave her to cry and she will get out of the habit when she knows it doesn't work anymore

  7. Normal.  If you and her the only ones in contact.  Diversity of people your child meets will alleviate the fear.

  8. Horrible, horrible answers!

    Hold your daughter!  Get a sling or a carrier.  You cannot spoil a child with physical contact.

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