
6 weeks and 1 day pregnant and i dont feel pregnant?

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i cant get my appointment with the doc for another week and i found out through 3 positive tests i am indeed pregnant

The only symptoms i am having are very sore b*****s especially when i get cold, tiredness, and i am moody and emotional from time to time

I have had no moring sickness although the odd time i feel a wee bit queezy. not too much though still have a good appetite.

I had some light brown discharge a week ago but asked the doc when i phoned and she said this was normal at this stage and also the period like cramps were also normal.. just wondered has anyone else felt like this it is stupid i know but sometimes i just dont feel any different and dont feel pregnant




  1. then youre not pregnant

  2. It's okay that you don't feel pregnant yet.  In the next week or so, the baby will start pressing on your bladder and you'll run to the bathroom every half hour.  That will make you feel pregnant.

    You will probably start getting HUNGRY.  STARVING.  RAVENOUS.  Whether or not you crave a particular food or whether you're just hungry, all the time - that'll make you feel pregnant.

    As the baby grows and the hormone levels kick up, you'll find yourself going to sleep at 9 pm ... then 8 pm .... and then 6 pm.  That'll make you feel pregnant.

    I'm not going to wish morning sickness or heartburn on you or anybody else.  I had enough of it for 10 women.  You'll feel pregnant, but you don't look pregnant.  Morning sickness is a misery like no other you have ever experienced and unfortunately, people who have never experienced it have no understanding or compassion for those of us who throw up for hours on end.  So I won't wish this one on you.

    I'll tell you what I did when my daughter announced her pregnancy a couple of years ago - I went straight out to the store and bought some Pampers, and some Johnson's Baby Oil, and some Johnson's baby powder.  These are the items that I used when she was a baby, and my mom used when my youngest brother was a baby.  The scents of these products give you (well, give ME) an automatic feeling of "Ahhh.... baby."  Scientists tell us that scents provoke the strongest memories.  So maybe if you bought something that has a pleasant scent that makes YOU think "Ahhh.... baby," you'll start to feel it a little more.

    But be patient and hang in there.  You'll be feeling pregnant soon, looking pregnant in 3 or 4 months, and finally wishing you weren't pregnant any longer in about another 30 weeks!  :-)

  3. Your a prego, get over it.

  4. I think that's very common.  I'm having tons of pregnancy symptoms, but still don't really "feel pregnant".  I'm hoping that once I start to feel the baby move, I'll feel like it's real.  I think it varies from person to person on when they really feel physically pregnant.  You are very early on...once you start getting your belly, it will feel a little more real.  Be grateful you don't feel worse!

    Good luck!

  5. On calculating from the first day of my last period I am 7 wks and 2 days today tho we will not find out for sure until our 12 week scan. I didn't 'feel' pregnant but seem to have put on a small kinda bump recently and over hte past couple of days I have had back ache and today a fair bit of queasyness. No hurtin b*****s but very tired

    They say it can come and go at anytime. With my first little girl I had no symtons until week 6 and that was only that I could not go into my kitchen lol

    Good luck, hope all goes well and enjoy it.

  6. it is only 6 weeks that is not enough

  7. what other symptoms were you expecting I mean you are only 6 weeks pregnant which actually means you could have only fell pregnant 2 weeks ago.

  8. I didn't know I was pregnant until the third month...when I passed out at a table when I was waitressing. I never had morning sickness, I was moody....I didn't overeat or anything. The only time I actually felt something was when she kicked, moved, and during labor...oh gawd that hurt.

  9. Your only 6 weeks and not all women have symptoms i had no sickness with my 2 girls i had no sore b*****s either just needing to wee and heartburn

  10. it took a LONG time for it to sink in with me and honestly I still dont think it fully has and Im 5 and a half months pregnant (22 weeks)...Dont feel too badly about it. Once you get your first scan and start feeling the little one kick it will be more realistic..but its quite a hard thing to take in at first!

  11. well i didnt get my mornignsicknes till 15 weeks. its way too early to tell. you wont even start to show till around 4 or 5 months buut everyones different. its ok to feel that way, sum people dont even know they r pregnant at that stage!

  12. i was 18 weeks when i found out i was pregnant and it was only because i had my papsmear, i even had my period till 22 weeks. No other symptoms until my belly started to pop out at 25 weeks.

  13. i dont get symptoms and I'm 8 weeks and it is going to be normal...but your in shock just give your self time to cool down...and face it you going to be a mom.

  14. I didnt have any pregnancy symptoms at all, and couldnt actually believe i was pregnant after getting that 2-lines-test results. The first time i really believed and felr my pregnancy when i saw my child during the first ultrasound. Tho some symptoms came up later in pregnancy, so dont get tensed that you dont have something that others may have, all pregnancies are different and cant be compared to each other. Just relax and enjoy every moment!

    Good luck!


  15. I am 6weeks 2days today and i feel exactly the same way you do. Thanks for posting this, I guess lots of people are feeling the same way we are..and its normal :).

    I'm gonna see my doc in 1weeks time..pls keep keep me updated, i'll do too :D

  16. i think you should count yourself lucky and enjoy it when i took my pregnancy test about 2days later i started with morning sickness i was only sick a couple of times but i felt so rough for weeks, so enjoy not having any symptoms because if you had morning sickness you would be wishing you didnt.

    congrats x

  17. I honest didn't 'feel' pregnant till I was 3 months. That is when the weight gain started and the throwing up. Everybody is different but I threw up way more with my girl than when I had my boy.  

  18. This isn't a silly answer, but do make the most of it!  In a short while I expect that morning sickness will hit you and you will look forward to not having it!  I did get bad morning sickness, tiredness, emotional etc but I didn't feel really pregnant until I had a big bump and could feel the baby moving!  Good  luck  

  19. It was probably just a big dinner.

  20. ooo just wait lol. usually the symptoms dont come on til 6 weeks or your just now at 6 then im sure you will have plenty of time to feel pregnant

  21. haha don't complain about no morning sickness!

    i had it from the word go and still have it (8 months today!!)

    you'll feel it when you have the scan or feel the kicks

    you're only in the early stages!

    give it chance

    and congratulations :)


  22. I'm 6 weeks pregnant too, apart from extreme tiredness I've felt no pregnancy symptoms at all. which is worrying me a little as I've already had one miscarriage but my doctor has told me not to worry and if I feel cramps or anything to check but other then that all is good.

    Congratulations and good luck x  

  23. I was at the same spot that your in now when I was 6wks. I had a brown discharge and was freaking out to my dr and I saw the dr I also had really bad diarrhea and they told me to be on the safe side they would do an ultrasound. I had one done and everything was fine. They even told me that the brown discharge was fine its "old blood" which is perfectly fine. You just want to be concerned if its a bright red blood.  I also didn't feel to pregnant at all!!!!! I did however start to have morning sickness until now. Now I feel like c**p once in a while. I don't think that what your feeling "stupid" is stupid. I have at least called my dr 10 ten times so far. Being a first time mommy you worry so. When in doubt don't worry about calling your dr they know what's best for you! and they know you the best!!

  24. It's completely normal. You probably wont feel pregnant for quite a few more weeks. I felt normal for a long time, until the morning sickness started, then I felt prego. lol. and you probably wont show for a while too, i didn't start really showing til around 5 or 6 months, but when i did start showing, i blew up like a baloon! everyone's different though. : )

  25. Its hard to feel pregnant at this stage, because your not showing and cant feel the baby move. Maybe get a book that explains week by week what is happening with your baby and picture that going on in your body. If you just found out it may take a few days for it to sink in. I would suggest a book called Your pregnancy week by week by Glaydes Curtis. Very good book.

    Good luck.

  26. i just found out i was pregnant and dont feel any different. no sore b***s,no sickness and no tiredness. whereas with my first i had it all! i hated being pregnant.i was sick for 3 months straight and had sore b***s and was always tired. so think yourself lucky because the next time it might not be so nice!  

  27. I never till the first scan..

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