
6 weeks preg straight after D&C miscarriage & afraid of another.. having cramping & and have not got ms yet!?

by  |  earlier

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im approx 6 weeks preg.. had D&C 2months ago no period inbetween pregs.. previous preg was good.. went for 11 week ultrasound they told me my baby died at 8 weeks.. nothing more tragic has even happened to me i can explain the heart break.. than had D&C now preg again only got tender nipples this week but stil no morning sickness.. slight cramps more of pressure feeling in my lower adomen.. my hcg levels were 4 weeks 79, 5 weeks 660 and get them checked tomorrow but im very paranoid and scard im been posative up to this point but now i have a bad feeling.. and also i have a ultrasound on monday..

my question is what were your hcg levels ?,

did any one go to term after a D&C with no period inbetween?

what were your symptoms of miscarriage?

is cramping normal?

has anyone had two miscarriages in a row?

im only young so i dont think anything should be wrong with my eggs but im scard..

theres no worse heartbreak than this..





  1. I know the pain you are going through - I have had two miscarriages myself.  Mine were caused by a uterine septum which had to be surgically removed.

    You need to remember that 20% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage.  Last time you got to 8 weeks, which is a good sign.  it shows that there is nothing wrong with your eggs and there is nothing wrong with your husband's sperm.  Unfortunately, the loss of your baby is just one of those things.  Having a miscarriage DOES NOT increase your chances of having another one.  Look at it this way - you have already been the "1 in 5", so what are the odds on you being the "1 in 5" again?  Very low.

    The nightmares are perfectly normal - it is your hormones acting up.  Cramps are also normal, it means that your uterus is expanding to accommodate the growing being inside you.  

    I know it is very difficult to be positive after you have experienced a loss.  Concentrate on enjoying being pregnant for now, and try to wait until Monday for your scan.  Unless you start bleeding, there is absolutely nothing to worry about.  Good luck.

  2. stress less hun

    just go talk to a doctor about this.

    they can help you out and tell you if things are okay and what is 'normal'

  3. I had a miscarriage last year at 16 weeks.  Started having problems with bleeding at 10 weeks.  probably not much help to you as different experience but I do understand how worrying it is.  I also have a friend who had a missed miscarriage and had to have a D&C.  She got her periods back as normal and is now having another go at getting pregnant.  It is normal to worry but please try not to until you have something to worry about.

    II think they advise to have a period in between pregnancies more for dating but if you are worried you should talk to your Doctor or midwife.  Or have you tried the miscarriage association?  There website is useful and you might be able to find someone who can give you adviced on coping with worrying.

    I remember having period pains in early pregnancy which I worried about as I had them with my first pregnancy but it is normal to get cramping pains in early pregnancy.  It's to do with your uterous growing.

    As for hcg levels, I'm not sure but it sounds like they are monitoring you closely and if something was wrong you would probably know.

    Hope it works out for you this time.  Good Luck!!

  4. I have suffered 6 miscarriages(4 d&c), The symptoms i had where heavy bleeding sometimes up to 2 weeks,cramping and blood clots. I'm now 18weeks pregnant and had cramping,bleeding and clots at around 5 weeks for a week,everything is fine now! As long as your hcg levels double app. every 48hrs everything should be ok, I know it's hard but try not to stress and be hope full! good luck and take care.

  5. sorry to hea of your misscarrige but you need to worry as less as possible else it might affect your unborn baby

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