
6 weeks pregnant, is it to early to go to the doctor?

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I had a miscarriage back in May and I was 9 weeks pregnant.

I just found out last Thursday that I'm pregnant again. By my calculations, I'm about 6 and 1/2 weeks pregnant. I was just wondering if it's too early to go to the doctor or if I can schedule an appointment for this week? I'm just really nervous and I want to make sure that everything is alright. I know that once you're past the 12 week mark, everything should be in the clear but I just want to know that it's not like last time. Should I wait two more weeks and go, or should I go now?




  1. You should start seeing your doctor as soon as you find out  that your pregnant, that way they can do their job of making sure everything is ok with your baby and yourself!

  2. You should make an appointment immediately after getting a positive result on a home pregnancy test, especially in your situation.

  3. Go go now!  It is best to be safe & see a doctor early on than to regret not going later. The doctor will confirm your pregnancy & be able to monitor this pregnancy & help you relax & know that your baby is Ok. Congrats & best wishes!

  4. If your concerned go see your doctor.. it's much better to be safe, than have something bad happen. Your first pre-natal appointment is usually 8 weeks.. but let them know you have some concerns. Hope everything goes well.. congrats & good luck. xo

  5. You should call your Dr and see what they want you to do. At the least they could be checking your hcg levels and make sure those are doubling like they should be.  

  6. As soon as u find out your pregnant you can see a doctor you should of made your appt already by the way congrats and good luck dont worry I have had too miscarriages in the past am prego right now and thank god everything is going supper put your hands in god and evrything will be ok  

  7. I found out I was pregnant when I was 7 wks. When I called my doctor to make an appt, they scheduled me to come in when I was 10 weeks, and then scheduled an ultrasound for 12 weeks. They may have you come in earlier, just to see how far along you are? I would just call and ask :) Good luck

  8. call now, docters like the first visit to be around 7-9weeks. this is so they can check on the baby to make sure they are growing correctly and measure correctly.also you will need to begin takeing prenatal vitamins. this is very important on the development.

  9. just go, you can never be to safe besides they say go to the doctor as son as you find out your pregnant.

  10. I also had a miscarriage, so when I became pregnant again my dr had me come in for an ultrasound at about 6 1/2 weeks to make sure everything was going ok.  It was so reassuring to see the little heart beating!  I would go ahead and call and set something up - you will feel so much better and can stop worrying (at least a little bit...).  Congratulations!

  11. i am worrrried about the sane thing. i lost mine back in october at 7 weeks. and found out a few weeks ago that im prego:) now im 6wks and 3 days! :) and i feel so much better about this one. nothin feels wrong like it did when i lost my other so since im not tellin my family or anything yet i have not went to doctor.. and really didnt plan on it till i was probly 12wks? idk in order for me to go i have to ask off work and my boss is my aunt so there will be questions so i cant really go right yet. i wish i was more help to you . i think we both NEED to go. if you can i would! i just cant at the moment..




  12. I would call and try and get in now, after my miscarriage they wanted me to come in sooner than if I had not had a miscarriage. Good luck!

  13. call the dr and tell them how u feel about it and see what they say..they might want you to come in and they might want you to wait. call them and get there input!  

  14. Just go.  I went at 2 weeks.  They couldn't see anything yet, but it is good to start ASAP.

  15. You should go to the doctor as soon as you find out you're pregnant to begin checking on the fetus and start prenatal care. Especially if you've had complications in the past.

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