
6 weeks pregnant but don't feel pregnant?

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I'm 6 weeks pregnant and how come I haven't had morning sickness yet? With my 2nd pregnancy I had it right before I turned 6 weeks and I can't even remember with my 1st. I do feel a little nauseaus every once in a while but it's not so bad. It comes and go. I don't know if I'm only feeling little nauseaus because I'm thinking about it so my head is making me think that I am nauseaus or that I am really feeling nauseaus because I am pregnant...I'm just confuse and need some input on what you guys think.

This is my 3rd pregnancy and so far I don't even feel pregnant. No Symptoms!!! I don't have my 1st appointment til Next Wednesday.




  1. Its ok! I'm 22 weeks and I haven't gotten sick at all! No nausea, cramps, heart burn, nothing! I feel great! We are just lucky :o)

  2. I am feeling very similar to that.  I had some initial nausea (it was what drove me to test in the first place).  But now, at 6 weeks, I don't really feel much but nausea that comes and goes....I did experience some minor cramping and twinges.

    I don't have my first OB appointment until next tuesday!

  3. You are lucky I wouldn't complain even though you are probably just nervous. I am sure you are just fine. Try not to stress its not good on the baby. Maybe its a boy who knows i here boys are easier but maybe your other were boys who know.  

  4. Be grateful. I was feeling the same way as you, just wishing for symptoms to feel more pregnant, then sometime between weeks 6-7 morning sickness hit HARD and was 24/7 and has yet to completely go away!  

  5. Consider yourself lucky! Every woman and every pregnancy is different!

    I am also 6 weeks pregnant.  I have had no morning sickness either.  Relax, and be glad!

  6. its normal, every pregnancy is different.. im almost 11 weeks and haven had any morning sickness, no symptoms except really sore b***s.. be happy you are not throwing up.. some people like live by the toilet.

  7. Maybe you won't get any sickness with this pregnancy! Wouldn't that be nice? The only symptom I had was frequent urination, so maybe you'll be lucky like me. I would quit looking for the nausea to come because you might talk yourself into getting it. Just be happy you aren't least for now, lol.  

  8. I said that at 6 wks too....just wait a few more days and you will feel like a bus hit you.

  9. Why rush? You have 8 months to feel pregnant! LOL! Seriously, I wouldn't worry, darling, you are still very early. I didn't begin to "feel" pregnant until 8 weeks, and that was excessive fatigue, breast tenderness, and hunger! No morning sickness!

    Congratulations on baby #3! Take that prenatal, and ride out your symptom free pregnancy while you can!

    I wish the best during this blessed journey!

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