
6 weeks pregnant is this normal?

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I have been having period like cramps in my ovaries/lower stomach and I feel pressure in the lower part of my stomach. There is no bleeding and the pain isn't constant. Is this normal?




  1. It is very normal!  Everything is much more swollen in your pelvic area, along with your uterus beginning to grow.  I had heaviness and cramping from the very beginning.

    As long as you are not experiencing bleeding, or the cramps are no worse than a menstrual cramp, you are probably just fine!

    Congrats to you!

  2. yes i have been having them for the past week and i am around 5 weeks.

  3. yes very. your expanding to make room for the baby.

  4. i think someone said it's your body streching for the baby, i had light easy cramping then and all is well.

  5. i thought it was my period starting but it never came. those cramps lasted  for a good week or so. 6 weeks is when i found out i was pregnant actually

  6. Yes its called implantation cramping but you should let your doctor know about this pain! They will do an ultrasound most likely to ensure you and baby are OK. I bet your fine though. I had really bad implantation pain around the same time and it lasted for about three weeks! I had ultra sound done and it was all OK. Good luck!

  7. You should contact your doctor. It could be something to worry about. Could be a bladder infection too.  I would make sure you are drinking plenty of water and try to rest and call your doctor in the morning.  

  8. I'm 5 weeks pregnant and I've been experiencing the same thing. I've been told that it's normal as long as you're not bleeding and the pain isn't severe. But if you cannot stand the pain or you're too worried, it's better to get to the doctor and be safe than sorry.  

  9. Hey hun, YES its normal to have slight pain and a tightening feeling in your lower abdomen during the first trimester. It is because your uterus is growing and preparing for the baby.

    However, if you begin to see any spotting at all make sure to call your physician asap! Some spotting can be normal during the implantation process, but its never bad to be safe rather than sorry with your little angel! Congratulations!

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