
6 weeks pregnant should I worry or not?

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Yeserday when I went to work, my boss told me that one of our residents woke up with alot of insect bites (I work as a cna for assistant living home) she said she washed her clothes and her bedsheets, if I can please go up stairs and fix her bed for her. (she does not know I'm pregnant, im currently six weeks). Well I went and noticed that they had just fumigated the apartment. I did everything in a hurry, but the smell was awful. it took me less that 10 minutes, but Im scared that it might have effected the baby. Should I be worried?




  1. You might want to call the doctor on this one. Chances are nothing will happen but you are suppose to stay away from strong fumes like that when pregnant. Call and tell the doc or nurse and see what they say.

  2. If you were in there for 10 minutes and YOU feel fine - I'd say you're baby is fine.  

    When you're pregnant (especially during the early stages and I'm guessing your first?) you tend to be overly sensitive and, ummm, anxious :).  It's all for a good reason though and every mother's been through it so it's alright.  I would only worry if you felt serious side effects from the fumes.

    If you did experience side effects or are still worried, go ahead and speak with your doctor/midewife/doula.  The healthiest thing for you to have now and is calm piece of mind.  Your physician will understand your being worried and help to alleviate your fears.

    But like I said - I think you two are probably fine.


  3. Don't worry about it. People do a h**l of a lot worse than that and everything turns out fine. You weren't in there very long and it probably smelled alot worse than it actually was because you're pregnant and your senses will be heightened more than usual.

    When I was pregnant with my daughter I did assisted in home care for the elderly and some of the things I had to do were terrible and very dangerous, so I had to let my boss know asap for the safety of me and my baby.

    You may not have been planning on telling your boss yet but you may have to for safety and legal reasons not only for you but for your boss too

  4. Well I'm no expert, but I'm thinking the baby is fine. If you only knew all the crazy stuff I did before I knew I was pregnant with my kids and they are fine. Don't worry about it, stress is bad for the baby.

  5. No you shouldnt worry, but if it really concerns you you should call your doctor.  

  6. o wow you shouldnt have done tht. tht is very dangerous for you and your baby. If i were you i would let your boss kno becuz there are some thing you shouldnt be doind while your pregnant and smelling those chemicals is one of them. and i wouldnt worry so much but make sure to tell your dr next time you go for a visit. I Hope baby is alright

  7. No, you and your baby are fine.  You werent' in there that long.  

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