
6 weeks till holiday??!! to FAT!! help?!?PlEaSe!X?

by Guest56010  |  earlier

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ok so i have 6 weeks till i go on holiday and i want to look good in my bikini i wat to loose weight especially on my thighs and generally all over! anyone have any idea what i can do diets,everyday exercises etc it would be a big help thanks! x




  1. Go for regular Swimming n Cycling .If possible Yoga also ,which helps to reduce ur  fat.

    All the best.

  2. alot of s*x

  3. use the ALLI pills you can get them on ebay and they are the only ones prescribed by doctors,so you know they really work ,you can buy them in the uk chemists without prescription next year.

  4. Try the Scarsdale diet, it works well for me but you have to be very strict about it if you want big results. Also biking, brisk walking and swimming are great for toning you up, especially your legs.  

  5. Cardio (bike riding, running, elliptical, jogging), lots of it for 30-60 minutes a day, and strength training 3-4x a week. Eat fruits, vegetables, lean meats like chicken and fish(if you're vegetarian, eat nuts, there's also egg whites which are only 16 calories a pop and have a bunch of protein), whole grains (no white bread), no sweet drinks - just water at least 6-8 glasses a day. And no junk food!

    Oh yeah, keep a food log to make sure you're getting enough calories a day/not pigging out and going over your limit.

  6. Go vegan until your holiday. Snack on fruit and nuts all day. And eat healthy meals like soups. You'll lose weight quickly and if you keep it up I'm certain you could lose upto 2 stone, even without exercise.

    Good luck :)

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