
6 year old daughter throws fits I need help!?

by Guest66537  |  earlier

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my daughter is 6 and has a horrible attitude. constantly whinning ,crying ,talking back, saying I hate you. When she is bad she s bad when shes good she is great. She just flips like a switch. My husband and I are pretty mellow and never fight or argue in front of her or at all. I've tried everything.


toys taken away


spanking which I hate and said I wouldn't do I was not spanked as a child,but I also never acted out.


ignoring her

help.!!! i need nanny 911 but I don't even know if she would be able to help. Has anyone out there had this problem? she is really nice and behaved @school and quiet respectable, then gets home and lets everyone just have it. I love her to death but some days I just don't want to deal with her and walk out the door.




  1. Smack her every time she does it.. That's what she needs and after a couple of fits she'll learn that you won't tolerate her tantrums.

    Smacking is actually good for children.

    Don't let the namby pamby do-gooders tell you otherwise.

  2. well it seems like you've tried everything, but a firm talk is what she needs, i couldn't put up with all that you're dealing with, so i applaud you on that, but honestly i think she really needs a firm talking too and continue with the taking stuff away from her if she insists on continuing, u mentioned that you don't like spanking, hello no parent likes spanking their kids but that's what we have too at times otherwise we risk our kids running a mock in our lives, i spank my boys not all the time, but if they really act up, then they'll get a spank on the butt, my oldest is 11yrs and i have stopped spanking him, i now ground him and take away privileges with him, whereby my youngest is 4yrs and he gets a spank on the butt now and then if he misbehaves and trust me it does work, at least with my boys and they know they cannot try the things that your daughter is doing, so i suggest that if you do not want to spank, then take away anything that she likes and try other things that you know that will get to her.Good luck!

  3. The father has to put a kind of fear-respect into her.

  4. You are being inconsistent.

    Prompt her once, "Stop this behavior."

    If it keeps up, prompt again with, "If you do not stop behaving like this within 1 minute, there will be a consequence."

    If she starts saying, "What's my consequence, what's my consequence?"  You say, "I don't know yet because you have not stopped behaving badly yet."

    If the behavior continues, enforce the consequence - either a time out, a removal of something valued (like the ice cream sandwich she loves having after dinner, for example).

    Keep it consistent.

  5. she probably just wants a little quality time with you. well if she gets a little more discipline, maybe she will calm down some

  6. Spend more time with her!!!!!!!!!! If that doesn't help then tell her that if she acts up you wont take her to the park or anything like that and every time your good you get a reward!

  7. I know what you are talking about!@@.

    I also have a 6 y.o and even thugh she is the sweetest and smartest girl on earth she can be so demanding a naughty when she does not get her way.

    I know every kids is different, but with our girl he only thing that seems to work is to keep her active.   whenever she is involved in challenging/fun activities  (sports, project, )she calms down and finds a way to get rid of all the energy she has.

    It is hard to keep her away from boredom but it is the only way I get her to behave.

  8. I think I have seen a case like this on doctor Phil. But it was a little boy. And at first his doctors didn't think anything was wrong with him. And then they thought that the parents were making it up because he was so well behaved at school and at the doctors. But then the mom taped the child at home to show how he acted and then the doctors believed her. And the Perscribed the little boy something and he is much better now. I don't really believe in drugging our kids full of medicine but i would look into it. and if as bad as you say it is it might be worth a try.

  9. This is totally normal for little girls. Yet, it's not good. DO NOT EVER SPANK YOUR CHILD. They will feel like you will always hurt them, and that is not a good feeling to have towards your mother so yeah STOP THE SPANKING unless you want her to end up, at age 15, you trying to comfort her with a hug after her boyfriend breaks up her but shes thinkin "she's the last person i want to go to for comfort!" and runs away crying and off to her room. and kids can get seriously addicted to TV and their toys and when they get older, the computer. plus, they hate timeouts. of course when shes 15 she won't be getting timeouts she'll be gettin grounded but you can still change her behavior it is not to late get her a therapist one who specializes in dealing with children get a good one preferrably a woman somebody who she will be able to talk to and help solve her probs with she dusnt just cry and yell for no reason she must have certain feelings about you for this and all but she cant share them with u thats why you need to get her a physcologist or sumthin k she will keep all of the things she tells her private, but at the beginning of the session you can always go and talk to her physcologist about any concerns you have

    good luck!!!!

  10. Just so you know, a little tap is not a spanking. If you want to make things change try a spanking 50's style. Then do it consistently, soon she'll learn. Even latter down the road, spankings will no longer be necessary. End result - Your sweetheart back. Sounds hard, but trust me it works!

  11. Sounds like a cry for your attention. Maybe do things like baking cookies together, playing games together, something to show her a little extra attention. Do you have other children? Talk to her to see if there is an underlying problem. Are the kids making fun of her at school for something?

  12. she does the same thing my little sister she wants it her way go on walks go to the playground GET THE ENERGY OUT OF HER once then think of a simple but affective plan to stop the maddness

  13. figure out why she is so angry.....honestly my babies gets spankings. the parents are the ones that are suppose to guide the child not the other way around.

  14. It's just that age... I have 2 daughters, and they pretty much went through that stage. Girls at that age often find mom to be a nuisance, they discover the power of words, and they get (negative) support from friends at school in acting up against their parents. A measure of tolerance is okay, but it's even more important to be firm and let the little princess know and feel that there are boundaries. My girls had more than one trip across my knee when they were 6 and 7, and although that is not pleasant it is a quick and effective way of teaching them that they don't rule the house. It's better, in my opinion, to spank a girl that age than to have drawn-out punishments like taking away things (which she may soon forget anyway) or grounding from TV (which I also use, but only for minor misconduct). So my advice would be to pull down those pants and let her little bottom feel that something is serioly wrong about her attitude. Afterwards make sure to tell her that she is forgiven and to encourage her to behave better in the future.

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