
6 year old exposing himself in the playground....?

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A little boy in my daughters class has Autism.

He is a sweet little boy with an excellent Mother.

He has a special needs teacher in the class, but not at break time.

At lunchtime today he dropped his trousers and showed his willy to the teacher, standing with two other girls, for absolutely no reason.

They sent him to the office to be dealt with by the head, who he is terrified of!

My friend thinks he is bored in the playground as he doesn't know how to direct himself, and play or interact with other children.

She is devastated, and has no idea how to punish him, obviously it has to stop, and it can't ever happen again.

Any Ideas???




  1. For goodness talk about overreacting, I was getting my willy out all the time from the age of about 5 years old, all most of the girls did was giggle or want to touch him and if I let a teacher see they always took me to the classroom and played with it.

    Grow up people, he may be well hung like I was/am and very proud of it.

    And before you all start screaming that I was abused I loved all the attention

  2. I'm not being funny but all this poor kid did was show his willy!!!

    My gosh hasn't half the worlds children exposed themselves at some point and thought it was hilarious!

    Its all part of growing up and if he gets rep-remanded for this action it may cause him to rebel and do it more often!.

    I'm a mother to a child of similar age, i helped out at school the other day and all the kids were going on about was 'willies, bums, blow offs etc.'

    Its just a phase, if that, so advise her not to be too hard on him.

    It is embarrassing yes, but not really that bad!

  3. you have to tell him to tell the teacher sorry. just because he has autism does not mean anything beside the fact you have to make sure he understands and when he says sorry you can not tell him it is all right you accept it.there is a big difference. and please make sure that you tell him that the head is not scary he just wants him to behave

  4. this needs to be stopped even though he has special needs. get the head or his parents to talk to him calmly and tell him why he should not do that.

  5. Well given the situation would a punishement work?  His mother should know best and how severe to treat the situation.  If he communicates well then talking my handle that.  The when to and whan not to show his privates!

  6. talk about over reaction

    he is six and he has autism

    send him to a school that can cope                and don't punish a child for what he cannot understand

  7. She needs to talk to him about it,

    just cause he has autism does mean hecan't understand what shes saying,

    and you,

    just cause you have akid that age should be able to say p***s, or at least type it.

  8. i think it is being blown out of all proportion. i dont think the autism has much bearing on this...all 6 year old boys think its highly amusing to get their willies out or show their just tell them to put it away, youve seen it all before in a bored and not impressed way. they grow out of it, its nothing to worry about and no cause for a drama. the fact he got sent to the head might be enough of a deterrant, i wouldnt punish any further other than to say that it isnt acceptable to drop your pants.

  9. I think we also need to steer clear of using terms like "exposing himself" this adds an altogether more sinister feel to it. What he did was get his willy out.

    I would think more along the lines of "oops, you shouldn't have done that", rather then "here is a mini-rapist in the making". He's a very small boy with a disorder who did something that he shouldn't have, but he is not the first and he will not be the last and she really needs to think about it in less serious terms.

    I have no doubt he will learn by simply being told not to do it again.

    You'll probably find he's never been told not to do it  since it has never occurred before - what reason would she have had up to now to sit him down and instruct him on the do's and dont's of making your private parts public?

    I know I have had vaguely that conversation with my five year old son.  What I told him, when he acted inappropriately (at home) was "no one wants to see that, that's your business, no one elses" - and we have only had that conversation because the need has arisen. Guess it has for her too now. I think it'll be just fine.

  10. Devastated?  Punish?  Can't ever happen again?  He's a little boy.  They make mistakes, sometimes repeatedly.  Especially children with socializing disorders.

    Mom obviously need help in raising an autistic child, in learning what to expect and how to deal with the innocent violating of social taboos.  If she's not dealing with an experienced professional, she should be.  Beyond that, it's her problem, not yours.

  11. first of all, willy, p***s, tomater, tomatar...anyway...

    All kids do this, not just autistic kids. These things happen. She will have to try and tell him its wrong and teach him to learn from it.

    I suppose he should be given activities to stimulate him at break times, but without making him stand out from the other kids. At the end of the day, he's just a little boy, and it must be hard for him being made to seem 'special'.

  12. this sounds like it really sucks.  if someone reports it, then child protective services gets involved and will go to the parents house and question them about everything.  once cps gets involved it is hard to get them to go away.  i would suggest that the parents take him to counselling even though he is only 6, they might be able to figure something out.  was this kid ever molested?  maybe this is a hint .  sounds like he needs someone to talk to about the difference between what is right and wrong.  if it keeps up, even tho he is autistic, it could lead to bad things such as law enforcement getting involved and taking a report of him basically being a pervert.  stop it before he gets any older or it could become more serious.

  13. Because the child has autism, it may be hard for him to understand certain things.

    Since he's not interacting with the other children at lunch it may very well be that he is bored so he does things to get attention. Perhaps his mother needs to notified that he's not interacting with the other children and she can request a special needs teacher be outside to assist him with his interaction on the playground.

    Sending him to see someone that he's terrified of isn't going to correct the problem. He needs to have someone show him and guide him on the playground as well as in the classroom until he understand what he's suppose to do when he has play time.

    Unless, he's shown what he can and can not do during play time, he's more than likely going to do this again. Is it not an option to have his special needs teacher accompany him outside? I understand she needs a break so perhaps they can assign someone older to assist him like a big buddy type program.

    I seriously doubt that this little boy is the only child in the school with autism so why not have a big buddy program where older boys and girls interact with these children.

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