
6 year old having that normal?!?

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My 6 year old son gets an erection all the time multiple times a day and I've asked him why and he says he has these dreams about girls in their underware...Is that even normal? And numerous times ive walked into his room or when he is in the shower and i have caught him playing with himself. What should I do?




  1. Yes a boy can have a ***** when he is 5, younger sometimes.

    And he will grow out of it, for a little while anyway.

    He is curious about his body, let him explore but tell him about societal limits.

  2. AHAHAHAHAHA. it seems like he doesnt understand fully so steer him away from all that stufff. Get him obsessed with something non sexual or something.  

  3. Boys will be boys! lol...I think it is safe to say he isn't g*y! lol...this is normal...Both of my sisters swear that their boys were born obsessed w/ their penises!

    Good Luck!

  4. get him neutered

  5. It is normal for boys to get erections at any age.  My son is two and gets them.

    I wouldn't do anything about him playing with himself etc...he is exploring his body and just figuring it all out, he is only 6 I'm sure it isn't a sexual thing like masturbation.... he is just exploring his bits.  

  6. ha ha welcome to motherhood of a boy. I have 4 kids two girls 16 and 15 and two boys 13 and 10. lol my 10 yr old was always playing with himself when little and probably does now just more discreetly. as a nurse I will tell you it is perfectly normal and do not discourage it just explain to him if he chooses to do it to go in bathroom of his bedroom that that is the appropriate place when he is alone. if you tell him it is wrong dirty nasty etc he will grow up thinking that, and as he gets older will feel ashamed and guilty when puberty starts. and eventually seek release other way like intercourse instead of self gratification. and with all the diseases going on out there hiv, aids, hepatitis, and many more he is better off with self gratification. Masturbating never gave anyone a disease or death sentence.

  7. its perfectly normal, any healthy male can have an erection at anyage, and as far as playing with himself well hes human and some people like the opposite gender from birth and some starting at puberty if you have anything against him masterbating tell him to stop  

  8. Erections are normal starting when the boy is a fetus - seriously.  It's an involuntary reaction.  Just make sure your son knows it's normal and it's okay if he touches himself, but that it's a private thing - not something people do in public or in front of other people.  You definitely don't want him to feel guilty - bad idea!

  9. What kind of stuff is he exposed to? Because with today's media - that's not exactly normal, but predictable. Have a talk with him and get some little kid stuff into to his mind, to get the Adult stuff out.  

  10. hes just having 'wet dreams'

    it's normal for boys to do that, there interested  

  11. This is TOTALLY normal. Boys begin to discover their penises between age 4 through 7 (usually.) Your son falls right in there. If you see him touching it in public tell him, "No touching pee pee in public." This should get rid of poor habits.

    As with the shower thing: totally normal(unfortunately). I know it's difficult to think of your son as a sexual being. But truly as humans we all are... so accept that your son has discovered his genitals & that's that.

    :] have a good day

  12. I think you should take him to his pediatrician if you are really concerned. If not, it might just be a phase and you can wait it out to see what happens.

  13. Babies have been observed to have erections in the womb. He is normal, what's a bit strange to me if the comment about him having dreams of girls in underwear. At the age of six , it's strange. I would have to wonder what he's seen that causes him to say that.

  14. noo not normal

  15. He's human, its going to happen.  Don't embarrass him for it or he could develop problems later in life.

  16. it is perfectly normal. he might be starting puberty early or he is just for him touching himslef also normal because he might have started playing with it and it might of felt good so he kept doing it.try 2 do somthing extra fun with him so he can get his mind of of that stuff. asking and asking him will embarres him and make him feel like he isnt normal and i know u dont want that 4 him

  17. perhaps he's in the phallic stage. where his main focus would be his genitals. It's normal for kids to have this curiosity but just make sure that it doesnt take over.

  18. He is just experimenting we all did it at one time in our life and some of us still do, and my son use to get hard ons at 1 month old, but of course i dunno why that happened lol!!!

  19. boys get erections at every age.  i know kids who are younger than 4 to get them, and boys (and girls) play with themselves when they are young, and when they realize that touching a place will give them a happy feeling, then they'll do it until we teach them to do it where others aren't around

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