
6 year old needs deodorant?

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Yesterday when I was at the grocery store, my 6 year old asked me to buy her deodorant. I bought her some, but didn't figure she really needed it...she's a very girly girl and likes lotions and chapstick and that sort of stuff. Anyhow, when we got home, she hugged me to thank me for the deodorant, and sure enough, she had really stinky underarms. She showers every night before bed, so it's not a cleanliness issue.

Is it normal for her to need deodorant at her age? We live in a very hot/humid area, could that be why she needs it?




  1. Obviously if she really thanked you for buying it she really needed it. Not everyone smells like roses when they sweat. It's deodorant, not posion. It wont hurt her, she'll be fine.

  2. It is possible as everyone is different and I think it is great that she was able to feel comfortable enough to ask for some.

  3. i think so, i remember when my little guy who's now 4yrs old, was a baby like weeks old he used to have a very stinky armpit, and i was wondering what caused it but my doctor assured me that it will pass, it was due to his sweat glands i guess, sure enough it did pass but i had to clean his armpit area very regularly, so i guess with your daughter, it could be due to the hot/humid climate over there that's contributing to her BO, or could be she's getting ready for puberty, some kids start very very early, i am not saying that her period will come now or even shortly, it could just mean that her body is beginning to develop, and that area is developing faster than the other areas, just continue to buy her deodorant, it's good that she noticed the smell, rather than others telling her about it, and she asked on her own, that's very good of her.

  4. I think it is very normal for your daughter to have deodorant at 6 years old. When I was 8, I got my first deodorant. When I was 5, I found out that I had stinky arms but as an only child and having overprotective parents.... No deodorant until 8. But anyways, she does have stinky arms because like you said, you guys live in a humid area. Also, that is a sign of growing up... Average kids discover stinky underarms at age 7 so it's not very unusual to have a 6 year old child need deodorant. Don't worry, it's totally normal and you've made a great choice to give her the deodorant she needs. Hoped I've helped! ♥

  5. it just depends on the girl.  When I was six, i definately needed it.  I was already entering puberty!  Girls (and boys) nowadays are entering puberty WAY earlier than they used to, so i definately wouldn't worry about it if it's just body odor.. just make sure she WEARS IT.  Also, if i were you, i might kind of monitor her pubertal progression a little.. if she starts developing b*****s or growing pubic hair or even starts her period any time soon, take her to a doctor.. they can give medication to stop puberty until the time is right.  But for now, she doesn't need it.  

    Heck, at least she thought to get some instead of smelling bad... I remember when I was younger how kids at school treated kids that "stink", and most of the time, the smell wasn't a cleanliness issue, either... it was just body odor.

  6. Possibly because of all the added hormones in meat and milk, children are entering puberty much sooner than ever before.  I have read that children in the third grade are sometimes starting to enter puberty in America.  I think you should take her to the doctor and find out if she is entering puberty or not.  Is this diet related, a hormonal imbalance, or is she really entering puberty?  Possibly a doctor could tell you.

  7. wow....

    the world never ceases to amaze me...

    lady, i commend you!!

  8. Wow that actually is very mature and intelligent of your daughter to recognize that she needed deodarant and asked for it.  Very good job!  If she needs it, she needs it.

    Kids are different in everything!  There's no "right" age for anything! Some kids ride a bike at 4, some can't until 8.  Some kids just need deodorant sooner than others.  She'll be fine.

  9. I never used deodorant until I was about 13...I don't think kids should...surely she can have two quick showers a day to keep her fresh...

  10. I was wondering the same thing. My daughter is 4 and stinky arm pits. I bought her some teen spirit and it has worked.

  11. She sounds like an early developer (likely will get her period around age 10) so if she needs the deodorant for underarm odour then it is good you bought it for her.

  12. My daughter also needed (not wanted) deodorant when she was 6. I bought it for her so she did not feel the other kids would notice her smell. Little girls have hormones and I always just put it down to that.

  13. I've heard of children this young needing deodorant. If you are concerned, an endocrinologist could run some tests to make sure nothing is wrong. Sometimes kids have overactive hormones that could cause a problem if not treated.

  14. a six year old can be stinky, but deodorant has many chemicals on it , so why not use something more natural like baking soda, or lemon juice mix with salt, this two work wonders even in very stinky adults!

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