
6 year old starting to explore her private areas, what should be done?

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What should she be told about it? What should be done to prevent her from doing it?




  1. Nothing.  It's her body, she has a right to explore it. How else is she going to learn about her body?

    Just explain that such exploration is a private thing and not to do this in front of others.

    All the best.

  2. It's perfectly ok. Telling her not to do it will make her ashamed of her body, and that's a bad move. Tell her to only do that in private, not in front of others. Tell her that kind of thing is only for her room when she is alone.

    My son was 5 when he started doing those things. It is normal exploration. They are discovering what feels good. All that matters is that they understand that it's something to be done in private only.  

  3. hehehhe

    she's six, let her. just explain that you don't do that outside of your bedroom

    and that other people aren't supposed to do that...

  4. The more you make this an issue with her the more she will explore it. Unless she starts sticking things in there she shouldn't, don't worry about it. Its completely natural, though most children do it before they are 6.

    Tell her those are her private parts and she should not let anyone touch her there.  

  5. what do you mean...."explore"?

    she COULD look at it like...when she pees....?

    and stuff

    but exactly does she "explore" lmfao lmfao lmfao lmfao lmfao

  6. She's 6!...Let her!!!!  Don't make her feel ashamed of her body at such a young age.

  7. You absolutely should not prevent her from exploring her own body. What you can do is remind her if sheis doing things around anyone else that this is not appropriate around other people.

    There are things we do in private and not.

    You don't want to give her any hangups or think she is dirty. Proper manners is proper manners and thats your job.No different than if she were picking her nose around other people.Best wishes

  8. Take the opportunity to explain that it's her body, and nobody has the right to touch her without her permission. Also explain that touching herself in certain areas is for private time only, and is not appropriate when in public. Ask her if she has any questions and do your best to answer them on her level of comprehension.

  9. a chastity belt and mittens 24 hours a day.

    sounds ridiculous? it is. let her be.

  10. why do you need to know is the real question.

  11. I don't know if you can really prevent her from doing it...

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