My almost 6 year old keeps coming into my room mulitple times a night complaining that she is having nightmares. I don't know if she really is or if she is using it as an excuse to come into my room. For a few nights I let her sleep on my couch in my room. That may have been a mistake. Last night I took her right back to her room right away twice, but on the third try, let her sleep on my couch again because I felt bad that maybe she WAS really scared. With her coming in 3 times, my 4 year old coming in 1 time and the baby up once, I was up 5 times last night. This has been going on now for a few weeks and I am SO tired! Any advice? Should I just make her go back to her room until she realizes it's not worth getting up? or should I be more understanding of her being "scared"?