
6 year old wetting herself at school?

by Guest58743  |  earlier

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My friend recieved a phone call from her partner who'd had a call from the school today to say her daughter had wet herself. She is a very popular, smart girl, 6 years old, and is in classes with older children. She is doing non-compulsary SATs this year (instead of next year). She is a confiedent girl and when my friend asked if she wanted to do the exams, explaining everything about them, she was very sure that she wanted to do it. Could she be stressed out about this? The thing is she is very close to her mum and tells her everything and would normally tell her if things were worrying her. Does anyone have any ideas on what could cause this? Stress? Worry?




  1. I agree that if this was a one time occurance then I would not worry about it. Your friend should call the school and talk to the teacher to find out exactly what her daughter was doing when she had the accident. If she was in the middle of playing or doing something fun she may have just not wanted to stop and thought she could hold it. I think every kid has at least one accident before they reach the age of 10. I know it happened to me, it has happened to my friends, it happened to my stepdaughter, it happens to everyone. It does not sound like anything worth getting upset or worried over. But if it does happen again your friend may want to do a little more digging and maybe see the dr just to be sure. Also she may want to reitterate to her daughter that even when we are having fun we must stop and take potty breaks when our body says we need one.

  2. People have mentioned stress, bullies, jealous friends, teachers that won't allow them to use the loo during class time. Any of these could be the root of incontinence. From personal experience there is at least one other possibility, when I was her age I wet myself because I plain forgot to go and once I felt the need, it was too late. At six, it is not uncommon, and I felt ashamed enough without the extra pressure of worried adults looking for the cause. In my case, the adults did not make that big of a deal about it which helped.

    At least one person mentioned a urinary tract infection, so definitely check to see if she is hurting.

    One time should not send up red flags. Reverting and wetting herself on a regular basis is different and that's when I'd be more vigilant at home and at school.

  3. It could be that he has a urinary infection or it could be that she has some kind of anxiety. I think I would head to the GP.

  4. Other kids could be asking her to do things that she knows isn't right she sounds like a very well educated young women other pupils may be jealous and being very mean or maybe she is nervous about school or maybe shes even excited for summer what ever this might be i usurer you this won't happen again

  5. It could be anything and nothing, if it does not happen regularly then it could have been an accident all of us have them even at 40year old.

    If she bedwets or it happens daily during the day it could be an infection or worry or stress or she might not be able to help it. Try to find out if it is hereditary as my son still wets the bed and he is 10, his father wet until he was a teenager. Still all in all it is not a big issue!

  6. She could be getting bullied by others who are jealous she is doing exams early or it could be the older ones who think they are above her and she shouldn't be doing them. If it was my child I would be at the school making sure they kept a close eye on her.

  7. Six years old is really still pretty young, and as a teacher, they do have sometimes have accidents. There could be a number of reasons...maybe she is afraid to ask the teacher to go to the bathroom because she once said no, or maybe she got carried away with whatever she was doing in the classroom and "forgot", or perhaps she just waited too long. However if it continues, it could be a more pressing issue like she is stressed out or even something like a urinary tract infection. If it does continue, tell you friend to speak her daughter's pediatrician. Good luck!

  8. obviously she could be scared of something, but we had a similar occurence and found out the teacher would not allow the pupils to use the loo during classtimes and made them hold it until the breaks. the teacher denied this but all the children said this to be true after the parents got together, the situation is rectified now but look into it.

  9. she is prob a little under stressed being with older kids and the might scare her or she may just have bullies have a teacher conference

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