
6 years ago I got veneers on my upper front teeth.

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One of them is loose. Should I go to the dentist or wait for it to fall off? What will the dentist do to fix it?




  1. If possible, go back to the dentist that originally did your veneer work. You need to find out why it's loose, sometimes it's because there is a cavity developing underneath, sometimes there just wasn't a good bond established between your tooth and the veneer. Definitely go have it checked out before it falls off. You could end up swallowing it or choking on it. You'll probably be charged to have it recemented, but it won't cost as much as if you lose it and have to have it redone!

  2. My wifes a dental assistant and used to work for a dentist that did a lot of veneer-type work.  My wife says to set up an appt to go back in and get it recemented.  She said it's no big deal and won't take much time.   Whether or not your insurance covers it or not, or how expensive it is, depends on your dentist.  But I wouldn't expect it to be too bad.  My wife says it isn't as time consuming or complicated as when you first get your veneers.

    Good luck!

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