We live next to a house with 3 girls. The oldest is 8. Today my son was caught with his pants down and the other girls were looking. Later my son said that the oldest girl told him to pull them down so she could touch his private area. He said that she did, twice. This is not the first time this has happened. I like to think he is bullied into doing it because I have told him over and over to tell her/anyone no, no means no! but I guess it isnt working. So my question is ...Is this notmal behavior for a 6 yr old VS someone who is 8 and going into 3rd grade. We have had the private area talk dozens of times. Im just worried about him and letting someone bully him into something so easily. The parents and I get along and have told one another when we catch them doing these things, Im just tired of it and it worries me.