
60 mpg out of a Hummer ,"Detroit could do all this stuff overnight if it wanted to," Why don't they ?

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60 mpg out of an H3 Hummer while doubling the horsepower and cutting emissions in half.

"Detroit could do all this stuff overnight if it wanted to,"




  1. They can do this and more!!!, they had an all electric car, gone misteriously, brazil has been using 100% ethanol from corn since 1970... yes!!! a third world country is kicking our butts, what's more they use it on american made cars...ah???? the same cars we drive here are assembled there with this technology, Venezuela, an oil producing country, has so much oil they can trhow it away if they want, yet any car you buy there including american cars can run on natural gas!!. Any person who ever worked in a warehouse in this country knows forklifts are either electric or run on natural gas, many city buses run on natural gas, yet none is available to you, why, because they want you to buy gasoline, their bank accounts depend on it, keep electing all these oil people for president that's why???

  2. The oil companies and the auto industry go hand in hand.  The bottom line is $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.  Proof;  I just read an article the other day how the develpment of all electric transportation is taking a back door to hydrogen run vehicles.  Of course you would refill your hydrogen tanks at a gas station.

  3. Hummers would have to be the ugliest , stupidest car ever devised.

    It portrays everything  that is possibly bad in a motor vehicle.

    Noisy , ugly, petrol guzzlers, uncomfortable  and not that wonderful at protecting soldiers.

    Its  the American dream directed by Tim Burton

  4. Never.

  5. America still charges too little for its petrol, sorry, 'gas' (even though it is a liquid!). There is no real motivation. Besides, about 99% of Hummer drivers don't need a Hummer, so the real task is education, but that will only happen when G W Bush is gone and someone who is more Christian takes over.

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