
60 seconds untill Earth Hour on the East Coast of the U.S.A?

by Guest60939  |  earlier

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To all around the world, are you planning on shutting your lights off?




  1. I turned mine off a little early but I thought it was fun finding things to do in the dark. I think it shows I have discipline.

  2. Are you kidding?  I'm turning ON every light in my house, pouring myself a double Jose Cuervo Gold, and playing TheStars And Stripes Forever over the outdoor speakers around my heated and fully lighted outdoor swimming pool. I like my carbon footprint to be REALLY BIG!

  3. h**l no I'm not turning my lights on. I'm not giving into this political b/s!! Don't be brainwashed by Al Gore.

    This Canadian woman is keeping her lights ON!!

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